A Conversation for Talking Point: Superstitions

Odd thng to hide!

Post 1

Phoenician Trader

The house has hidden its own house page!

smiley - lighthouse

Odd thng to hide!

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Aha! Tis unhidden now. Well spotted, PT. smiley - ok

Odd thng to hide!

Post 3


i don't get it.smiley - wah

Odd thng to hide!

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Well, on the front page you'll see This Week's Talking Point. It was a new one this morning but the page it links to (A37371693 Superstitions) was set to 'hidden status' therefore when you clicked on it it looked a bit like this: A37423497

It was our mistake and we changed it to 'unhidden' in super fast time! smiley - ok

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