A Conversation for Talking Point: Superstitions

Think lucky and you'll be lucky

Post 1


This was a saying a woman on TV used to say after she'd done the horoscopes.

I don't necessarily believe in luck but I do believe in the power of self belief. Telling yourself that you can do something is massively powerful. If you look at my article on Noesitherapy Dr Escudero tells his patients to tell themselves that they will feel no pain and that is what they feel - even when he performs operations on them without anaesthetic.

Generals will tell you that the morale of an army is massively important. If an army thinks it is going to lose then that's a huge barrier to overcome.

It's hugely important with children to give them a very positive self image. Let them grow in confidence that they will succeed and positive things will happen.

Seeing the lucky omen can help people to succeed if it raises their confidence of success. The item itself does nothing. The belief that the item will make a change is what is important - like the lucky feather in Dumbo.

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Think lucky and you'll be lucky

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