A Conversation for Talking Point: Superstitions
I'm not
NPY Started conversation Jun 19, 2008
Have to say I'm not what you would call superstitious. I couldn't even tell you half the usual ones anyway.
I know someone who'll salute all the magpies, though never really gave a reason why.
Always wondered where these superstitions came from in the first place. What's gonna happen if you put an uimbrella up in the house anyway? I've done it loads and I've had anything bad happen that seemed to be a direct result. Fair enough, someone could trip over it, but if they're that clumsy they'll trip on anything.
I'm not
Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me. Posted Jun 20, 2008
Putting an umbrella up inside is bad if you've just come in from the rain (water goes everywhere) or if you're in a very small room (you can't move to put it down again).
I'm not
NPY Posted Jun 22, 2008
Well at least that's a practical reason for not doing it, rather than some random superstition. I'd normally put mine uop in the gatage anyway where there's room and it'll be ok if the floor gets a bit damp.
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I'm not
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