A Conversation for cactuscafe

Hey CC, since you might have viewed this in Brunel.

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

You might have missed the video for the Paler Shade of Nigel featured in the Brexhill story:


Hey CC, since you might have viewed this in Brunel.

Post 2


Hullo me darlin! How are ya?

Thanks for leading me through skinland. I'd have found my way eventually, but I'm moving slow.

I just checked the incredible video. Nigel in the movies. Eh?? heheh. This site is developing in strange and remarkable ways.

I added comment under 'Turn the Volume up to Four' thread.

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hey CC, since you might have viewed this in Brunel.

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

I think the only good thing about Pliny is that you can embed videos and now that h2g2 has its own youtube channel ----you needn't leave the site. So D will be going though and making videos for many of the song Guide entries he's written and putting them in.

Hey CC, since you might have viewed this in Brunel.

Post 4


That's really great, you know, to be able to add videos to Guide Entries.

This site is really branching out into different dimensions! Videos, coffee table books.

I'm waiting for the full length feature film, h2g2 The Site. A tale of intrigue and brilliance.

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