A Conversation for cactuscafe
Welcome back, you magical person,
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Dec 27, 2018
I've missed you, pretty and h2g2 has been lacking . You can catch up on all of our family doings by subscribing to Dmitri Gheorgheni's youtube.com channel. Lots of keyboard action from DG and his talented sister, Mrs. Hoggett. She plays the piano and DG has selections on Yamaha keyboard, piano and pipe organ. Besides the good music you get to view our lovely pets ---elegant Molly, philosophical TJ and pretty little Lola doglet.
Welcome back, you magical person,
cactuscafe Posted Dec 27, 2018
Hullo dearest Elektra! Wonderful to hear from you!
Its good to return to the hallowed shores of h2g2. I seem to have to disappear to recharge my battery, especially when moving house, groan faint.
I think I am powered by one of those annoying batteries that you can never find in the supermarket when you need a new one, because it is incompatible with all known devices.
Mine came originally from a market stall in a dimension where no one noticed that it could only power the TV remote for twelve seconds, because no one had the remotest idea what a remote was, and TVs were powered by the silken shiny psychic energy of 24hr shampoo ads.
Actually thats really stupid. I make no sense. No, really??
It would do me good to check in with the magical, musical, intelligent life of the Gheorghenis, and ask philosophical TJ what its all about.
Love ya
Welcome back, you magical person,
cactuscafe Posted Dec 29, 2018
Hullo Bob!
How's the photography going? I hear you have a photography slot in the Post? . I'm getting there, getting there, to check up on you.
Welcome back, you magical person,
bobstafford Posted Dec 29, 2018
I decided that it might help the Post if they were offered some images.
I sent a batch so D can have images to choose from.
Support the post many hours go into it every week I just try and do my bit.
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Welcome back, you magical person,
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