A Conversation for cactuscafe
An opinion please
bobstafford Started conversation Feb 17, 2018
Hello CC how are you
I need an opinion. on A87904362 not in review yet
Is this rough draught integrable, it's a big subject and it important as it is an attempt to cover 4,000 years of history.
Its an overview of the history of the horse. This is just part "1" the introduction of the horse's basic history.
There will be more to come eg the knight's charger and its job today
Where did the heavy horses suddenly come from
Why are the Western riders behind the times?
This is going to be another "Topsey" (she grew and grew).
What do think so far the overall story of where the horses came from and why are there so many varieties, more than we think.
This is all from memory so far so I will be checking but I am confident this bit is OK.
Thanks in advance
An opinion please
cactuscafe Posted Feb 19, 2018
Hullo Bob!
What a fascinating subject! This will keep you going for a while, eh?
I learned a lot just from the part you showed me, its accessible and simple to read, I appreciate that, it held my attention from the start, and I have the attention span of a startled flea.
I never thought about the horse starting out as a much smaller animal. That really is interesting. I wonder what the earliest small horses looked like, in fact.
That's so interesting about the wheel, the chariot, your words make pictures.
Thanks! I'm involved with your horses.
An opinion please
bobstafford Posted Apr 18, 2018
Thank you CC I am pleased you found it interesting ( I wonder what the earliest small horses looked like, look up eohippus).
There might be three parts altogether, for the post and when the post has published them make an entry.
There is more to come and I hope it will be more interesting, as things develop.
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