A Conversation for cactuscafe


Post 81


Well got a new (second hand) cat smiley - biggrinsmiley - cat


Post 82


A second hand cat? smiley - cat???

Or a second hand car?

There's potential for a story in here, for sure. smiley - rofl.

The smiley - cat smiley is a lead in this matter. It's not easy to make smiley typos. smiley - rofl. Except there isn't a car smiley, so ...

But, I deduce that a second hand cat is the way to go, and a very fine way at that. Need photos urgently. smiley - rofl

Could you help out an old lady here smiley - senior and send a link to your most recent photos, including the second hand cat? Unless said feline is internet shy, like me.


Post 83


It is a cat from a cat rescue we had 5 cats but we have 6 food bowls so there was an excuse.
We found a nice cat a little girl slightly shy looking for a home.
She had been left with the home 3 years ago (she looks Disney's like kitty soft paws).

3 years! she is nice look no further. She was from Canada left by a pilot who came over for a job and he left her(and her companion who went long ago) when he went home.

What has a lovely kind way and we are so pleased with her she if purrfect and the other 5 do like her. And she is special again

smiley - biggrin


Post 84


How are you are you all doing fine how's your photo art "developing"(silly joke)

The latest photos are on my photos site link on my Personal Space

Also (if you are curious) please look at A87864871 an entry prompted by our conversations about Rome, it's mainly from memory so it's taking time to pass through PS.

It's about the Roman army a thing I know well. Also Joe and Jumbo in create might interest yousmiley - biggrin


Post 85


Awwwww that's so adorable, and you had six bowls so she was meant to come into your lives. smiley - cat And how lovely that she can feel special again, and not abandoned.

Purrfect indeed! smiley - cat


Post 86


You have a really organised Personal Space, Bob!

I now have your gallery in my favourites, and will attempt to bookmark also on my phone, to peruse in coffeeshops over the next few days, as various empty espresso cups pile up around me. smiley - coffee. heheh. Your gallery and writings are so amazing and awesome!

smiley - coffee

How am I developing? hahah. Backwards. smiley - rofl. No, not really, it's just we got our first Samsung smartphones and tablet at Christmas, took me a couple of weeks to adapt to Android, now I'm addicted, even have a synth studio app.

I'm snappin' everything with my phone, texting photos to friends and making my own magazine/scrapbook thingie to leave behind me when I go to prove that my life was as misspent as people thought, haha, not really, more like inspired. Technically they're not great photos, although the phone cameras are damn fine I think, but time to pick up the 'real' camera again.

smiley - coffee

Reading a bunch of Paul Devereux books at the moment, you like Paul Devereux? Does his subject matter overlap with your research? I do love a shamanic straight line, ley line, flight path of the spirit. smiley - rofl


Post 87


I've just gone a bit crazy about that photo of Marlow Bridge. It takes me there, never seen this bridge in my life, but makes me feel like I've been there and I really like the light, can't explain...

I'm only just beginning on my journey through your photoland.... check the big cats! Oh wait, you have, they're your photos. heheh.

smiley - coffee

My first memory of photographs from my childhood was not the family photos, but a strange and rather beat up catalogue of b/w photos, bound in a hardback yellow cover. Must have been some exhibition catalogue, I didn't read the text, too young to take it in. I was obsessed with it. Quite weird photos, I think there was even a scantily clad lady, smiley - rofl, risque for the early 60s.

Thing is, no one else in the family remembers this strange document, and I never found it, not even after clearing my family home when my parents died. I know I didn't dream it. Did I? ... course not.


Post 88


Sorry I am late in replying lots happening and finishing several entries here.

how is the photography going between espresso,s I will be putting some more on the panorimio site soon.smiley - smiley


Post 89


Oh and the Roman entry has been edited your comments would be interesting smiley - laugh


Post 90


Hello having a lazy summer taking more photos, hope everything is fine with you smiley - smiley


Post 91


Hello how is your photography getting on smiley - smiley


Post 92


Hullo Bob! Good to hear from you! I took about six months out of h2g2, my energy got diverted by complicated things in my Other Life, but back now!

Photography going great in fact! I'm back doing photo designs for the Create themes here, and sending them to Dmitri for the Post. smiley - thepost

I'm currently in love with the creative environment of h2g2. Very happy when I'm working here, I can be my playful self, and don't feel I have to be a pro or anything. smiley - rofl.

Spontaneous collaboration seems to be the theme of the moment. Pleased with this week's work in The Post, theme of Ringing the Changes. Dmitri did the gorgeous blue angel pic, and my spouse posed for my fella on the keyboards pic. smiley - rofl.

In fact, this pic is a prototype for how I would like my photo illustrated arty graphic novel to look. My what?? Well, always dreaming. smiley - rofl.

I've now returned to carrying around my little Panasonic Lumix, rather than relying on my phone camera.

I've figured out how to transfer pics from the Lumix into my phone, just using the camera wifi, and the Panasonic image app, which is great for emailing etc. And I can do it all at a cafe table, no cables involved. smiley - rofl

So, I do a lot of design type pics, sometimes ruining them by writing peculiar poetry all over them, or strange titles. It's my world, I love it so much.

Plus every now and then I do a spontaneous more regular photo that really works, (total fluke of course smiley - rofl).

Like the other day there was this amazing skyscape in Topsham, (the one day I wasn't carrying the Lumix, so had to wave phone at the sky), think its going to be in the Post at some point.

smiley - coffee

What about you then? How's your photographic work going?


Post 93


Its good to know you are busy the work for hootoo sounds interesting. I have taking a few
Not bad where can I post some so you can find them do you use a sharing site.


Post 94


Hullo Bob! No, 'fraid I don't use a sharing site. I only put my work on h2g2, I'm useless at sharing online in other contexts. Wrong generation and as internet-shy as a blushing sunrise. smiley - blushsmiley - seniorsmiley - rofl

Anyway, glad your photographic work is going well! Perhaps you have pics on h2g2 you could link me to? You photo-illustrate Guide Entries I think?


Post 95


Continuing the conversation abruptly halted for no reason.It is interesting you paint I have not done that for ages pen and ink and some water colour.
Might try again sometime though not very good though the finer work is better I found some I had put away years ago they were better than remembered.
smiley - smiley


Post 96


I can not open any photo-illustrated Entries link any other ideas smiley - biggrin


Post 97


By hand not very good. If you are curious and have any idea as to where I could post I could post some

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