A Conversation for cactuscafe
bobstafford Started conversation Nov 10, 2014
Hello like photos there are a few of us on Hootoo but we dont seem to do much on this site, if you feel like talking photos (some of mine are linked on my personal page) or cameras just say hello;
cactuscafe Posted Nov 10, 2014
Hullo Bob! Thanks for your message! I really do like taking and talking photos. . I'm not very technical, I make most of it up, but I love to rave about my cameras anyway, and light effects, and how my favourite shots are the ones I've taken without thinking, or more like the mistakes.
I don't have an online gallery, though, so my photographic examples might be somewhat rare, , but I'll definitely check your work that is linked to your personal page, when I have a moment!
Thanks Bob!
cactuscafe Posted Nov 13, 2014
Hullo Bob! The Kentish Man, or Man of Kent.
I come from near Eastbourne, Sussex, originally, although I live in Exeter, Devon these days.
I know Kent quite well, though, especially the coast, Dungeness, Romney Marsh area, because I'm obsessed with the filmmaker Derek Jarman, who had a house on the beach at Dungeness.
Must get back to Kent. Romney Marsh. I love the landscape. And Sissinghurst gardens. Oast houses. Uh oh, I've gone all Lady of Kent.
So! You're one the amazing photographers who add photographic illustration to Guide Entries! I always wondered who you all were! I'm in awe. And inspired. Great photos!
To date I've been sending my photos to Dmitri at The Post because I write all over them,
, and he is very understanding of my artistic experiments. Because I hypnotise him, hahah, not really.
Great to meet you!
bobstafford Posted Apr 16, 2015
Its been a while I have found some of your work on HooToo, good work. Did you see the four camera and the photo hints and tips entry in PR. Its not to late to contribute if you wish to you are most welcome and so are your comments on the camera entries.
Look forward to hearing form you
bobstafford Posted Apr 16, 2015
regarding galleries - these might appeal to you
friendly and nice site to visit
and also
started by FWR for Hoo Tooers
cactuscafe Posted Apr 17, 2015
Hullo Bob! Good to hear from you! Those photo galleries are amaaaazing! Thanks for the links, and things!
Photography is incredible isn't it. The miracle of the camera. Recently I was reading a book about the history of photography, called Capturing The Light/The Birth of Photography. All about the Panorama, the Diorama, Photogrenic Drawings, The Daguerrotype, Camera Obscura, the Pinhole camera. I'm in love with those early images.
I find a camera to be a great companion. I ask it things, and it replies to me in light-language.
Sort of thing, like.
bobstafford Posted Apr 17, 2015
Are you thinking of joining of either of the galleries, love to see your work?
A camera is a great companion, solo walks are never long enough.
cactuscafe Posted Apr 21, 2015
Hullo Bob! I love the idea of contributing to the galleries, I'm flattered that you suggest it, thanks! Honoured in fact.
To tell you the truth, I'm a bit shy when it comes to placing my writing and photography and music, because I make it all up as I go along, and someone might notice. .
Dmitri at understands my peculiar ways, so at the moment I tend to lodge my photos there, because he has already noticed that I make it all up as I go along.
Leave it with me though, and thanks!
Ah yes. Exeter is a fine city. Isca Dumnoniorum. Lots of Roman walls and things. Lovely cathedral. And near the coast also. Great mix.
bobstafford Posted Apr 21, 2015
Fosse Way starting point of the Fosse Way, Exeter in Devon was originally a Roman legionary fortress, Isca Dumnoniorum founded by the Second Legion in 46 AD in a riverside aka the settlement of the Dumnonii
bobstafford Posted Apr 21, 2015
Also sorry I did not answer the question The Kentish Man, or Man of Kent.
Man of Kent the Medway was the dividing line.
cactuscafe Posted Apr 21, 2015
oops I just remembered, you're a bit of an expert on Roman things. Like, a scholar. Here's me going on about Roman walls and things. . And you know the things in question.
Fosse Way? I know that name, Fosse Way.
What about the Romans then? We often go to a coffeeshop on Roman Walk, that's a new street in Exeter, but the Roman wall is right there outside the window, and I think, what about the Romans then?
They did invent some interesting things. Aqueducts are good, I like them.
I make it all up as you go along the paths of knowledge.
bobstafford Posted Apr 21, 2015
They were good doctors as well though they mostly employed Greeks as medical men. The legions had such a high standard of medical care we did not match their standards until WWI.
cactuscafe Posted Apr 21, 2015
Interesting! About the Medway!
I have the ghost of a song in my head now about the Medway. Damn. It's a song I used to listen to a lot, mentions the Medway. Beautiful song. Uh oh, might be the Incredible String Band, that's my reputation ruined. I'm an ISB fan. haha.
cactuscafe Posted Apr 21, 2015
Really? The Romans were good doctors? I'm learning a lot here. I wonder what kind of medicines did they have?
bobstafford Posted Apr 21, 2015
In Kent in the Civil Wars split along the Medway Kentish men for the King Men of Kent for Parliament
cactuscafe Posted Apr 21, 2015
There's something quite poetic about thinking about Roman medicine at seven minutes past midnight.
I might have a dream, and wake up with insights about the Romans. Doubt it. . I do sometimes dream about Peddars Way, because as a kid I stayed with relatives in Norfolk, and they lived really close to it.
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- 12: bobstafford (Apr 21, 2015)
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- 14: bobstafford (Apr 21, 2015)
- 15: cactuscafe (Apr 21, 2015)
- 16: bobstafford (Apr 21, 2015)
- 17: cactuscafe (Apr 21, 2015)
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- 19: bobstafford (Apr 21, 2015)
- 20: cactuscafe (Apr 21, 2015)
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