A Conversation for cactuscafe
cactuscafe Posted Aug 23, 2015
Hullo Bob matey! How's things?
The flying cat? That's clever to follow the kittie and blur the background. Gives the idea of motion, the speed of the leap. Some people say that photographs are a bit like frozen moments, but this isn't frozen at all, because of the blur. I reckon.
I've often tried to take motion photographs, but my cameras aren't up to it. heheh. Or else I'm not up to it.
Is this little flying leaper your kittie? I checked some of the other kittie photos also, of course, while I was about it.
bobstafford Posted Aug 23, 2015
Pleased you like them the tribe of 5 are bonded in a little pride, its not just for lions.
His name is Basil of all the cats I have known he is exceptional, and to cleaver.
What about you been up to much since we last spoke
cactuscafe Posted Aug 23, 2015
heheh A pride of five lion kitties. You have five? That's a lot of purr and blur.
We have no kitties of our own, never had pets because we've moved around, but we've lived with them anyway in shared places. Much loved community kitties. I remember a photo, who has it? who took it? I had no camera then. One of the kitties used to sleep on a shelf in the airing cupboard, beside the hot water tank, purring away all winter.
I must find that photo, of the little tabby in the airing cupboard.
Not been to Glastonbury yet, hopefully soon, early Sept. We're off to Brighton in late September to visit family and do things, like a school reunion. Eeeek! The Now We Are Sixty class reunion. I haven't seen hardly any of the girls, now dynamic ladies,
ahem, from my class, for about forty two years. Ah well, nothing that a few bottles of wine won't sort out.
No photos please. Except we will, I bet.
bobstafford Posted Aug 23, 2015
Never been to a school reunion not bothered overmuch good luck. Brighton is nice look up how it got its name it is interesting. Good memories of the pavilion.
I prefer Weymouth calmer, by the way did the speaker photos work out not had any news of that experiment.
cactuscafe Posted Aug 27, 2015
Haven't done the speaker experiment yet. It's a work of genius waiting to happen. hahah.
Never been to Weymouth. I must check up on it, and also how Brighton got it's name. I never thought about that.
Brighton pavilion is so crazy, a trippy Taj Mahal in the centre of the city. I love it, especially the Pavilion Gardens, with the outdoor tea cafe, and deck chairs, and pigeons.
bobstafford Posted Aug 27, 2015
How did that happen posted before I was ready, that cant be my fault
I shall look forward to the results of the speaker photos.
I like the pavilion its ages since I was last there
bobstafford Posted Dec 27, 2015
Hope you had a good Christmas, how are things hope you are taking plenty of photographs.
You were talking about Roman's last time we spoke and that sort of made me get on with an entry I have been thinking of writing for sometime.
As you sort of inspired it A87864871 A Roman Legion I thought you might like a look before it goes to PR.
Feel free to make suggestions about any aspect of the entry, its written from memory (with cross checking some details) so there may be some points that have been missed. So your opinion would be very welcome. As would some Roman site photos if you have any.
Have a good new year
cactuscafe Posted Dec 29, 2015
Hullooo Bob!
Great to hear from you!
Have to dash right now to go drink some sherry before supper.
Don't laugh.
Ah sherry.
But I'll be back later on.
cactuscafe Posted Dec 29, 2015
Hullo again, Bob! Here I am, much fortified.
A fine Christmas, thanks, and you?
We went to Topsham, on the Exe estuary, and watched birdies and looked at the lights through the mizzly drizzle. It was lovely.
They say the avocets are here....
That would be a good last words ...she stared into the silver, hazy horizon and whispered ..
They say the avocets are here
And then she spoke no more.
I digress.
I asked some birdwatchers, the avocets have been here since October, but we haven't seen any yet, normally we've seen a few flocks by now.
I guess we've been too busy lurking in Iscan coffee shops. Well, coffee shops built over Roman sites. Costa Isca.
I digress yet further.
Thanks so much for sharing your maginificent Guide Entry. You are a very gifted and informative writer. Now I have knowledge of the Contubernium and the Cohort. I never knew anything about the Roman Legion.
So, is that where the word cohort comes from? Meaning a group of people focussed on the same study?
I've been taking loads of photos, quite peculiar collages in arty settings. I'm working on a series of pieces about an imaginary fella named Ralph, who is quite magical and unusual, with added photos.
I got my husband to pose as Ralph, came out quite well, in fact, looks a bit like a spider in a baseball cap. I think Ralph does look like a spider in a baseball cap.
How is your photography going?
bobstafford Posted Dec 29, 2015
How did the photographs of sound turn out this imaginary fella named Ralph sounds interesting when do we get to see it. You know the site I use why not open an account then you won't have to describe them. There is an invitation only site here http://athensart-2010.ning.com/ excellent for showing experimental and "art" work, that will be a good place for Ralph, and quite peculiar collages in arty settings.
I like the Exe estuary, Exeter - Isca Dumnoniorum a roman fleet anchorage I created a research map https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1301394# here.
I have not seen avocets for ages but it must be nice there at this time of year, not many people
bobstafford Posted Dec 31, 2015
I look forward to seeing Ralph when you publish.
Happy New Year to you both (and family)
cactuscafe Posted Jan 3, 2016
Thanks Bob! For the invite to the Athens Art site. Flattered I am, and perhaps one day I'll take the step, the plunge, the big leap, before I surrender to the big sleep. heheh.
I just said that because it rhymes with big leap.
Even though I've been the mad artist type my entire life, I tend to lurk behind coffee cups, scrawling absurdity in dogeared notebooks, watching ideas flutter through my brain like paper moths. I am useless when it comes to putting my work out there, although I like to share in a low level kind of way.
Actually, I just acquired a very fine smartphone, my first ever, so now I'm making notes in virtual notebooks, that are only virtually dogeared, and I'm grappling with the app. Appling with the grapp.
And .. oh, talking of my phone, life just bleeped for my attention ..
.. back in a minute ..
cactuscafe Posted Jan 3, 2016
Hmmm, yes, Ralph. I'm placing a few of the Ralph chronicles in work in progress Guide Entries on my PS, right now.
Unfortunately, his description doesn't match with the photo of my husband that I took, ,so it's all soooo difficult, but I'm getting there.
Do you ever start a story with a photo? Like, a photo just takes you into the story. All quite unplanned.
There's text life and photo life, and then there's the pictures in the brain, which have a life of their own.
Am I making sense? No?? Hmm. Better have a drink then.
Cheers matey!. And a happy new you to you also!! We don't have any family, like kids, its just the two of us. By choice. We'd have been a bit too eccentric to be parents, I think.
We have a lot of brothers and nephews and nieces between us, though.
I'll have to go to another skin for your research map, because I'm in brunel right now and the link came out all funny.
Are you some kind of a scholar on things Roman, and other subjects? I think I'm chatting to an awesome brain here.
bobstafford Posted Jan 3, 2016
start a story with a photo not often but photos have started quite a few entries the photo just takes you into the entry. As you say quite unplanned, and pictures in the brain do have a life of their own, or they have no business being there. Like lodgers that don't pay the rent.
I have family but I let them choose when they want to talk so I have avoided all the wearisome communication
We have a lot of brothers and nephews and nieces between us, as well must get round to seeing what they have been doing over the last few years.
Pick the maps up from my PS
I was surprised I could remember as much just have to link the soldiers with boats the navy legions. Pleased you found the entry interesting added a little more today.
cactuscafe Posted Apr 10, 2016
I'll check those, Bob! Thanks!
How's things with you?
Sorry, I'm a bit late with this reply. I've just been checking my inbox listings, I must have not seen it for some reason. Anyway, never too late, as they say, unless it is.
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- 72: bobstafford (Dec 29, 2015)
- 73: bobstafford (Dec 31, 2015)
- 74: cactuscafe (Jan 3, 2016)
- 75: cactuscafe (Jan 3, 2016)
- 76: bobstafford (Jan 3, 2016)
- 77: bobstafford (Jan 3, 2016)
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- 79: bobstafford (Feb 12, 2016)
- 80: cactuscafe (Apr 10, 2016)
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