A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 161

Ming Mang

What if he wants to look silly? smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 162


*squirts the pink elephant*
^. .^
= ' =

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 163


Everybody can look smiley - silly on h2g2!

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 164


Well you were kinda forcing it on him! O well, better make up for lost time!

*Squirts Ming*


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 165

Ming Mang

*squirts Skenvoy back*


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 166


*does Dr. Evil type laugh smiley - biggrin*
*goes towards water slide...*

Lets see how wet this makes everyone!


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 167

Ming Mang

Well, I'm afraid you can't make me much wetter than I am already. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 168


To the water cannon!!

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 169


*Is so happy to see VIP back that he makes himself available to be the first one to squirt her since her return.*smiley - nahnah

So VIP, will I have the honour of being the first person you attack now you're back? smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 170


*gets to top of water slide...
GO, GO, GO!*
*A tidal wave precendes me to the bottom of the slide. Everyone, and thing is soaked...*


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 171

Ming Mang

*waits for tidal wave to die down*
*squirts Skenvoy* smiley - tongueout


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 172


Show me what you've got, BB!

*braces herself for the attack*

But I will retaliate, so be prepared!

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 173

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

*floats aimlessly*

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 174


*heads to water cannon*
*squirts Ming and then for the fun of it squirts everyone else in/around the pool (including Ming, again!)*


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 175

Ming Mang

*finds a bucket and fills it up with water*
*creeps up behind Skenvoy*
*tips bucket and contents over Skenvoy's head* smiley - tongueout
*runs away to a water cannon*
smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 176


Anybody mind if I take a dip?

I will take a backstroke through the blog in the mean time.

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 177


Ahhh that was cold...
*puts on Matrix style smiley - cool*
hey Ming as we seem to be two of the best water fighters here why don't we form an allience; i think we could win!
*aims water cannon away from Ming, but able to quickly move it to shoot Ming if allience isn't formed*

The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 178

Ming Mang

I doubt the first bit, but yeah, sure, so longa s we can still attack each other. smiley - winkeye It wouldn't be any fun otherwise. smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 179


hmmm that allience doesn't make any sense... o well lets go!
*squirts everyone around the pool using water cannon on 3/4 strength!*


The Swimming Pool - VI

Post 180

Ming Mang

*stands by in case of retaliation*


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