A Conversation for Durex Condoms
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I'm not really here Started conversation Aug 30, 2001
I remember mentioning that Durex Gold had been left off this entry when I first saw it, but the conversations haven't come back yet.
Any chance of updating this?
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Con Posted Oct 5, 2001
Possibly. Although we've moved on from this, err, project.
It does seem a shame to miss off Durex Gold though, a friend of mine said that they were very good!
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I'm not really here Posted Oct 5, 2001
Oh I totally agree. I always carry some. Better safe than sorry.
And luckily when my son found them once (at his dad's house, I'd left them in a bag that I'd then packed for J to go to stay with his dad for a few days ) he thought they were chocolate coins. As they are in a gold chocolate coin shaped packet. So good for disguising. Unless you've got a greedy kid who would have opened them.
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the autist formerly known as flinch Posted Oct 28, 2001
And they're nice and easy to open in the dark. None of that tearing at the packet with your teeth and having your partner refuse to kiss you 'cause you taste of nonoxyl 9.
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