A Conversation for Love


Post 21


I'm no expert, and I'd hate somthing like this to be on my head, but try telling her. If the word 'Love' is to strong, try saying somthing like 'I care for you deeply'. If she rejects you because of it, then she would/will reject you anyway. Only carry on the way you are if you value friendship above love. To cope with the long distances, get a second phone line (if you don't have one already) and/or pursade the metioned female to get internet acsess.

Love is...

Post 22


Love is the highest act of selfishness. Anyone who thinks differently is fooling themselves, not looking at it evenly, or has a lot of explaining to do. As there is no selfless deed (consious nor unconsious,) the most extreme (supposedly selfless) cases are the most self-serving. This is not an attack on love, by any means. Before replying, consider the fact that selfishness is not a bad thing. Also, one should not attempt to describe love unless they have been, or are, in it.

Love is...

Post 23

Researcher 39107

Love is wonderful but it can also hurt when it leaves and leaves you with an empty void making you wish for the past and all of the wonderful memories

Love is...

Post 24

Researcher 44864

In my opinion, the pain that love leaves afterward is the hole pint of it. otherwise it just fades away without
leaving any mark wats o' ever. but thats good only to the masochist among us.

Love is...

Post 25


I agree with you...to a point. Consider this: If I do something for someone I love, in an act of love, whilst I am indeed satisfying a selfish need of my own (perhaps to be loved in return), isn't that someone I love receiving love and therefore loving is a symbiotic relationship? Whilst I am giving I am taking and whilst I am taking I am giving...

Love is...

Post 26


Sadly, sometimes the after pain of love is what makes us realise that we loved truly when we were in it...

Love is...

Post 27


Palpatine...If your friendship is indeed strong, and your love for her so big, then you should risk telling her. If she feels the same way then you can explode with delight. If she doesn't feel the same way, then hopefully your friendship will be big enough to overcome your emotional loss. Seems to me that there's no point in pining away over maybes. If she doesn't feel the same way, you need to deal with it and move on to open your heart up for someone who will love you in return as you need/want to be loved.

Love is... Selfish??

Post 28


Love may be somewhat selfish. I do admit that in my 4 years of research, I have derived a great deal of pleasure from even a simple smile from my certain someone. I am greedy for my certain someone's company and affection, I suppose that is selfish of me. However, love is also extraordinarily selfLESS. One must be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of love. In my case, I have certain noise & crowd related panic issues. I am by no means agoraphobic, but I would much rather partake in less hectic, quieter pursuits. Yet, I could not expect the one that I care for to watch rental movies and visit places that I deemed "quiet" (although, she probably would have.) everytime we were together. Therefor, I overcame my issues for the sake of my loved one's happiness.

I have found that love cannot be summed up as just one feeling or emotion. Love seems to be an amalgamation of a great many feelings and emotions. My research has taught me that love can bring happiness, sorrow, fear, contentment, selfishness, selflessness and much more. Being in love may be the most interesting of all human situations!

Love is...

Post 29

Researcher 33767

Love is... Always having to say you're sorry.
Love is... Regret de le temps perdu.
Love is... A mostly ceptic thing.
Love is... A foreign country to this poor traveller.

Blimey this cynical larks easy, isn't it?

Love is... Selfish??

Post 30


I believe you may be somewhat mislead. Look deeper and try to discover why it is that one might perform acts of what may seem to be selflessness for a loved one. Is the core reason not to have that love returned? At the very least, it would be an atempt to preserve the chance of having a fondness returned. Selfishness is the reason we go to great lengths for ANYTHING. When someone is willing to risk their own life in order to protect a loved one, this too is selfish. I would give my life for my wife or children, but not for selfless reasons. To prefer nothing, (or even damnation?) over a life without one's love, is by no means bold or courageous. It is simply the knee-jerk responce of one's ego trying to save itself.

Don't get me wrong. I love love. It's great. It's inspiring, and beautiful to behold. Fantastic even, but noble it is not. Selfless, it is not.

Love is...

Post 31


True Love conquers all - so they say. If you dont know how to tell her after 4 years, then i would suggest that it is not Love but Lust you are in. The Logistical difficulties would only make matters worse, she might as well be on a different planet. Forget her and move on, find yourself a nice earth girl !!

Love is...

Post 32


Whilst I would *love* to agree that true love conquers all, I am sorry to say that I cannot. Unfortunately many factors may interfere with true love. Factors ranging from the physical to the spiritual. Having been truly in love for a number of years, I was devastated to finally have to admit that whilst I may have true love for someone, in essence his love may not be true enough for me. Bump into reality. Unless by 'true love' you are referring to an almighty pure love that is felt and reciprocated mutually by two people for eachother? If indeed that is what you are referring to then you are ignoring the fact that one person may truly love another but not have that love reciprocated, which is no less 'true love' than it is in the case where it is returned. Holy moly...what is true love then?

Love is...

Post 33


Oh for god's sake, would you losers please lighten up and get back on the road of life.

Walk the walk.

Love is...

Post 34



Love is...

Post 35

Researcher 33767

Sorry. Bad month + alcohol = cretin.

Love is...

Post 36


I think love is cool. Really I do. Cuts down on my drug bills, anyway...

Love is...

Post 37

Cobblewiffle The Third

All previous posts in this forum are totally insane. With the exception of Angel's which I found to be the closest thing to the actualy definition.
Anyway, let me say it.
Love is different to every person and to every person there are many different forms of love.
Family love (which is the lowest form of love in my case)
Friendship love (second highest in my case)
And "love love" (i'm sure I have this at the moment)

You never know what "love love" is until you're sure you have it. And even when you're sure you have it, you probably dont, as I have found out on several unpleasant occasions.

Love is...

Post 38

Cobblewiffle The Third

(I apoligize for being serious)

Love is...

Post 39


you missed two
compasionate love (as in a hippy loving the entire human race)
Obsesive love (such as for material objects)

Love is...

Post 40

r A c H . . .

"Love is, its what i got. I said remember that.... love is, its what i got...." - Sublime
actually that is just the first thing the words "Love is..." reminded me of, but i have yet to have it really. Bummer huh....

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