A Conversation for Save the Nails / Save the Hammers Campaign


Post 21

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*catches the bag of bonbons Ming threw in his general direction all these hours ago... smiley - winkeye*

*begins to eat some*

Oh well... I think at Bluebottle's beach, there was a "Lost Property Office"... But I don't think anyone's posted there in a long time, and anyway, it's just a forum, not an entry, so it's really a good idea of yours, IE... smiley - smiley

*wonders why these bonbons are so yummy & has some more*

Anyway, if you need any help... Well, right now I'm afraid I won't have too much time to actually set things up... smiley - smiley But if you're having any problems with GuideML or HTML... smiley - smiley That's my part, OK? smiley - smiley

*has even more bonbons, then considers having a piece of cake & looks around to see where it is*


Post 22

Ming Mang

*offers help to Anni and the proposed lost & found place too*

Good thing I threw those bonbons so high... otherwise they'd have come down ages ago and gone 'splat!' and we'd not have been able to eat them...
And they're yummy because of the secret ingredient I put in. Oh, BTW, the sweet shop is nearly ready to open... I'll let you know where it is once it does... and here's a bag of marshmallows as a 'sneak preview'!
*offers marshmallows round*
*eats marshmallow*



Post 23

Insane Endeavour

Ooh, marshmallows! I'm going to try and be the first customer at the sweet shop!
*eats a marshmallow*

The lost and found was *going* to be set up last night, but I was kind of called off the computer (I'd been on about 2 hours, and only on h2g2!!!) but I am currently setting it up, complete with tacky introduction that reflects that fact that I have 3 and a half minutes and counting to do so!

Glad you've joined Schlonz!



Post 24

Ming Mang


Hey! IE, would you like to do the Sweet Stall at the Beach during the week? PP is hopefully going to do it at the weekends...
Oh, I brought over some rock, too. It's got 'H2G2S2' on it, help yourselves!
*eats bonbon, marshmallow, tries to eat rock...*

Well... I'll come and annoy you soon, then... probably tomorrow as 'Not the Nine'o'clock News is on... and I want to watch it...
smiley - winkeye



Post 25

Insane Endeavour

Ooh, yey! I'd do that, definitely!!! Love to!

What would you like to do at the Lost and Found, I want to give everyone a job-title-type-thing, the madder the better, that goes for you too PP!

Bonbon, marshmallow and rock... now that would be nice, unlike bonbons and cake! *tastes it and tries to do a Lloyd Grosman about it, but fails miserably with a mouthful of food!*



Post 26

Ming Mang

Cool! I'll let you know when I've got it all set up... and you PP...
smiley - smiley

Errr... can I be Supplier of Sweets and Person who Stares out of the Window for No Apparant Reason?? Please? Please please please?? smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
I brought some more bonbons, marshmallows and rock! smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

Well, I liked it... smiley - smiley



Post 27

Insane Endeavour

And could you, once it's set up, link to the Lost and Found from the sweet shop, otherwise I feel it might be a little redundant! smiley - sadface

Right, Supplier of Sweets and Person who Stares out of the Window for No Apparant Reason you are! I'll put that in right away!

What about you PP?



Post 28

Ming Mang

Sure!! And maybe Lost and Found could link to the Sweet Shop once it's set up?? Maybe in my title, the 'Supplier of Sweets' bit?

Yay!!!!! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
I'm the Supplier of Sweets and Person who Stares out of the Window for No Apparant Reason!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!

*eats lots of marshmallows*



Post 29

Insane Endeavour

Glad to have made you happy! *grins, being very happy herself at the GuideML success!*

Yes, I will link to the sweet shop! Just give me the address!



Post 30


Hi guys, I've asked to join up in the whatnot... thingy... other forum... so can I join the party? I brought my own bulls-eyes (a kind of extinct sweet)


Post 31

Insane Endeavour

Of course you can join the party! Anyone's welcome (as long as they join the campaign!) smiley - smiley I swear I *used* to know what bulls-eyes were...



Post 32

Ming Mang

Yay! Do you think the Party thread is another undead? Is the Party continuing? (hmmm... tune in next week for the next exciting episode! smiley - winkeye)

I have heard of bulls-eyes loads and I've never yet found out what one is or what it tastes like or anything... Perhaps you could explain all? Please? smiley - smiley



Post 33


I don't know what they look like or taste like, having never come across one.

Here, try one, and tell me what it's like! smiley - winkeye


Post 34

Insane Endeavour

Ok, *pops one in her mouth and gives her opinion*
Hmm mmmm hmghm grsmmm! smiley - bigeyes



Post 35



I feel like opening a bottle of champagne.

*Pops open bottle of fizzy. The cork goes through the ceiling and into the room above*


Post 36

Ming Mang

That's obviously an interesting taste that can't be described in words IE! smiley - winkeye

Peregrin, you seem to be advertising a lot of things and attempting to bribe people with them...
I must say I disapprove thoroughly...
Got any free sausages?

Hey!! I don't know what's up there!
*looks worriedly up at hole in ceiling as a green spider and a suspiciously purple fig leaf falls through it...*



Post 37


As long as you don't mind Grey Squirrel sausages. They're a bit old.


Post 38

Insane Endeavour

What, the squirrels or the sausages?



Post 39

Ming Mang

Maybe if I got a free sausage, I'd vote for you?
smiley - winkeye



Post 40


How do you vote? I've seen campaign thingies, but I never found out how to vote...

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