A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 141

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Emar: I would've let him in too, but I just wanted to get my two cents in BEFORE we handed him the card. NOW, any newcomers will see you handing him his membership, and then me going on about him having to retake the initiation dealy. The point is now moot, and I'll look really stupid.

Zeb: Not as stupid as that acrobat costume makes you look.

Emar: Shut up, Zeb.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 142

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*after a long, tedious and VERY boring trip back...*

hi! what'd I miss? oh....
yeah, HaddyDude, you're now a member... but we won't hesitate on administering a savage beating anyway, it's all in the membership rules...

*NYC brings out a sheet of paper, on which is written:*

[Rule 37: and let it be known that if a situation where a person so overly happy as to join by intimidation took place, he/she may be savagely beaten by all other members, with any pointy implements deemed necessary]

yeah, just ignore the coffee stains... and the ink smudges...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 143


Just before I take My medication can I just say

---- HappyDude swallows two luminus green tablet's and takes a swig of something pink & frothy. HappyDude now accepts membership card ----

smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 144

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: ...Hope the pink stuff contained some SERIOUS depressants...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 145


No, thats the Strawberry & Bannana Smoothie, however the bright green tablets do. Please try & give me at least half a days warning of us going into action so I can let the effect's wear off, in an emergancy I do have some bright blue tablets that have the opposite effect to the green ones.

smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 146

soeasilyamused, or sea

maybe you had better give me those blue tablets....
*holds out hand*
don't worry, i won't forget them...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 147


Erm' I think I should keep some just incase your not around, however take these just in case I forget mine.

------ HappyDude hands over a small stash of bright blue tablets, plus a couple of purple ones -----

smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 148

soeasilyamused, or sea

*pockets them*
allright... and i should probably tell you that the superheroes haven't been around lately, so you shouldn't be skipping your green pills...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 149


I will not forget, beside's there is aways the blue antidote or in a real emergancy the purple ones! You also better have this, hands over a Twister Mat. OK I'm heading off for a jacuzi.

------ Teleports out to the Jacuzi at the H2G2 Waterworks -----

smiley - tongueout
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 150

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: I STILL say I should be allowed to give him the Thermonuclear Swirly...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 151


Ahh feel better for that,

MMM' thermo nucular swirly, sounds like fun !!!!

could be time for my medication?

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 152

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I vote in favor of his initiation and admission on the grounds that he could be a very powerful ally indeed! Perhaps we should get KL in here to make the final decission, though...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 153

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Emar: You're welcome to ask KL, but it probably wouldn't matter anyway, as Happy Dude's already been admitted.

Zeb: Hey! According to your name, you're the Emperor of Planet X!

Emar: Zeb, will you stop paying so much attention to researcher nicknames.

Zeb: ...Does it really have a huge letter "X" on it?


Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 154


and they call me insane?

smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 155

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

It doesn't NOW, but if you like, we can all go up there and start DIGGING a huge X into it...

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 156


You better have one these first

------ profers purple tablet --------

they got extra caffine smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 157

soeasilyamused, or sea

*shudders at the thought of happy dude on caffiene*

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 158


They are for emergancies, but I think you might need one if your going to dig that big 'X' ?

smiley - winkeye

I've got a bulk load of potassium chloride, any one got an idea for what we can do to get rid of it?

smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 159


well...are there any more initiates mucking about at the moment...?
if there are give it to me...they wont be here much longer....

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 160


not sure about the wannabee's but your welcome to the bule stuff, I dumped a load down at the pool but here's the rest.

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

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