A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 521

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

damn, that's right!...

you shudder? I was the one holding the box.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 522

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P


thanks sea!

*NYC places the dozen grenades under the unconscious Kudos, pulls the pin out of the top one, and watches as Kudos gets sent up 13 floors high...*

*... and back down again...*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 523

The Corrupt One




Initiation for new recruits

Post 524

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea, though scattered binary, is made up of a strange sort of water that is attracted to itself, therefore she can sort herself out from the rest of the villains' binary and shrink kudos to three inches tall. she then catches him in a jelly jar with tiny airholes in the lid. she sets kudos on the shelf and sorts out the other villains before reconstituting them*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 525

The Corrupt One

Initiation for new recruits

Post 526

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*gets up off of the floor*
Damn you, Kudos.
*sees Kudos in a jar, and starts busting up laughing*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 527

soeasilyamused, or sea

*takes a small bow*
i think i should add him to my "Incredibly Irritating Entities" collection...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 528


indi*-breaks back into the room, takes kudos(still in his jar) and leaves again.**

Initiation for new recruits

Post 529

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb:What'd we miss?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 530

soeasilyamused, or sea

hey! she stole my kudos-in-a-jar!!!!
*looks very irate*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 531

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

darn! where'd she get off to?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 532

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sniffles at the thought of her ruined collection and her lower lip trembles*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 533

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

...and her big puppy eyes, and...

aww well. As long as Kudos isn't near me...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 534


*enters the room(again)*
here...take it back. i dont see why any one would want it, it smells icky! it also hasnt shut up scince i took it....

Initiation for new recruits

Post 535

soeasilyamused, or sea

*grabs jar, excited*
*starts jumping up and down in circles*
ihaveakudosinajar! ihaveakudosinajar!

Initiation for new recruits

Post 536


dont know why you would want one...just keep it away from me...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 537

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

and me, for that matter...

I don't look good in smithereens...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 538

soeasilyamused, or sea

*considers saying 'or any other way for that matter' but decides against it* smiley - winkeye

Initiation for new recruits

Post 539

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*jumping up and down in joy*
Yay! Yahoo! Thanks, sea, for getting rid of that pest...smiley - smiley

Oh, BTW, if you people want to read something funny, go to http://www.h2g2.com/A422768!smiley - winkeye

Initiation for new recruits

Post 540

soeasilyamused, or sea


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