A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 13 - No Money-bags!
FF13 - Week One
spook Posted Jan 9, 2005
i guess i'm doing well so far. i happen to forget making predictions when chesterfield aren't playing. maybe i'll get a point next week.
FF13 - Week One
GreyDesk Posted Jan 9, 2005
I suppose I ought to get on and mark this lot at some point this evening. Especially as I seem to have 10 points so far from the results alone
FF13 - Week One
GreyDesk Posted Jan 9, 2005
Well you're going to have to wait a bit longer. Excel crashed again, causing me to lose all of the data that I'd typed in about the table and the results. And right now, I'm not particularly keen on doing it all again
FF13 - Week One
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 9, 2005
Sorry to hear that, GD. Not a good end to what must otherwise have been a pretty
weekend for you on the
FF13 - Week One - Results
GreyDesk Posted Jan 10, 2005
One week in, and already the table has got something of a familiar ring to it...
To be fair though there weren't too many surprises this week in terms of the results. The list was deliberately set to be easy to predict and score points on. And most of you, to your credit, didn't disappoint.
Well anyway, this week's top spot is a joint affair between sprout, Tobbot and Ormondroyd. All of whom have a very satisfactory 13 points. Well done, sirs
The Results:
Tottenham 2-1 Brighton (KING, Carpenter, Keane)
Plymouth 1-3 Everton (OSMAN, McFadden, Gudjonsson, Chadwick)
Birmingham 3-0 Leeds (HESKEY, Carter)
Ipswich 1-3 Bolton (GIANNAKOPOULOS, Pedersen, Miller)
Sheffield Utd 3-1 Aston Villa (BARRY, Cullip, Liddell)
Chelsea 3-1 Scunthorpe (HAYES, Kezman, Crosby, Gudjohnsen)
The Points:
Ormondroyd - 13 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham full house ; Ipswich result; Chelsea result)
sprout - 13 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Ipswich result; Chelsea result & scorer)
Tobbot - 13 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result, score & scorer; Birmingham result; Ipswich result & scorer; Chelsea result)
McKay The Disorganised - 12 points (Spurs result & scorer; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Ipswich result & score; Chelsea result)
bubba-fretts - 11 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham result; Ipswich result & scorer; Chelsea result)
GreyDesk - 11 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result & score; Birmingham result; Sheffield result; Chelsea result)
meisere - 11 points (Spurs result & scorer; Plymouth result & score; Sheffield result; Chelsea result & scorer)
Yakusmaximus - 11 points (Spurs result & scorer; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Sheffield result; Chelsea result)
Egon - 10 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Sheffield result)
Iamnezzy - 10 points (Spurs result & scorer; Plymouth result & score; Birmingham result; Chelsea result)
Number Six - 10 points (Spurs result & scorer; Plymouth result; Birmingham scorer & 1st scorer; Chelsea result & scorer)
riotact - 10 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Chelsea result)
AlexAshman - 9 points (Spurs result; Birmingham result; Ipswich result & scorer; Chelsea result)
Bottletop - 9 points (Spurs result & scorer; Plymouth result; Birmingham result; Chelsea result)
Demon Drawer - 9 points (Spurs result & scorer; Birmingham result, scorer & 1st scorer; Chelsea result)
Master B - 9 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result & score; Sheffield scorer & 1st scorer; Chelsea result)
me[Andy]g - 9 points (Spurs result & scorer; Birmingham scorer & 1st scorer; Ipswich result; Chelsea result)
Owlatron - 8 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Birmingham result; Chelsea result)
summerbayexile - 6 points (Spurs result; Plymouth result; Chelsea result)
FF13 - Week One - Results
Mu Beta Posted Jan 10, 2005
I think I'll refrain from laying my customary fiver on this season. It's getting too damn competitive round here.
Ormy, I do rather think you need to sign up for next season's Phantasy Phootball, though.
FF13 - Week One - Results
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Jan 10, 2005
GD,,I didnt get spur s game scorer,,,honest me needs 1 point deductig ??
FF13 - Week One - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 10, 2005
Admirable sportsmanship, meisere!
for the invitation, B, but pondering over one game per week is enough for me.
Are you *sure* you don't want another bet?
FF13 - Week One - Results
Mu Beta Posted Jan 10, 2005
Well, I am only 9 points down...
Any chance of a handicap?
FF13 - Week One - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 11, 2005
You're only four points behind me so far, B!
I think you'll do better making your own predictions rather than using that old CM program. But I'll have the usual fiver bet with you and give you 30 points start if you're game.
FF13 - Week One - Results
GreyDesk Posted Jan 11, 2005
The thing is Ormy, he *was* doing his own predictions for this last round!
* sniggers *
FF13 - Week One - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 11, 2005
Yes, I know. That's what I mean. Hence the fact that I had to have a particularly good week to gain 4 points on B.
FF13 - Week One - Results
GreyDesk Posted Jan 11, 2005
Yes Ormy, but this was a particularly easy week. Games 1 to 3 plus 6 were absolute no-brainers. Game 4 could have gone either way possibly. Game 5 becomes easier once one realises that Villa are team on the slide that score few goals, and were up against a team that had lost twice out of the last eighteen
FF13 - Week One - Results
Number Six Posted Jan 11, 2005
Oi! Argyle v Everton a no-brainer? Gudjonsson had a very good chance to equalise at 2-1, and those who watched it on the box say we should have had a penalty.
Why I oughta...
FF13 - Week One - Results
Demon Drawer Posted Jan 11, 2005
I agree with that statement I had teh Sweaters down for a shock for that reason as well
Key: Complain about this post
FF13 - Week One
- 61: GreyDesk (Jan 9, 2005)
- 62: spook (Jan 9, 2005)
- 63: GreyDesk (Jan 9, 2005)
- 64: Ormondroyd (Jan 9, 2005)
- 65: GreyDesk (Jan 9, 2005)
- 66: Ormondroyd (Jan 9, 2005)
- 67: GreyDesk (Jan 10, 2005)
- 68: Ormondroyd (Jan 10, 2005)
- 69: Mu Beta (Jan 10, 2005)
- 70: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Jan 10, 2005)
- 71: Ormondroyd (Jan 10, 2005)
- 72: Mu Beta (Jan 10, 2005)
- 73: GreyDesk (Jan 11, 2005)
- 74: Ormondroyd (Jan 11, 2005)
- 75: GreyDesk (Jan 11, 2005)
- 76: Ormondroyd (Jan 11, 2005)
- 77: Demon Drawer (Jan 11, 2005)
- 78: GreyDesk (Jan 11, 2005)
- 79: Number Six (Jan 11, 2005)
- 80: Demon Drawer (Jan 11, 2005)
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