A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

53Xth Conversation

Post 41

marvthegrate LtG KEA

So here goes my guesses:

(1) Pashmina Dark Red
(2) Babe Pale Peach
(3) Moonlight Bay Deep Blue
(4) Atmosphere Light Blue

Good to see you back at the Atelier Ben!

53Xth Conversation

Post 42

Titania (gone for lunch)

Pashmina - pale yellow
Babe - pale pink
Moonlight Bay - navy blue metallic smiley - tongueout
Atmosphere - sky blue

Let's hope this posting makes it without h2g2 telling me I'm an 'unknown hiker'...smiley - erm

53Xth Conversation

Post 43

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

And the votes from the Leeds jury...

Pashmina - fawn, beige
Babe - pale pink
Moonlight bay - mid blue
Atmosphere - a lilac grey

53Xth Conversation

Post 44


{[caer csd] *not discussing paint colours with anybody, knowing that on return from New England the decorator cometh and caer tov and H are totally unable to agree on any colours at all except for boring gloss white on woodwork and satin finish white on ceilings.*

Hello agcB, just wanted you to know that I wasn't ignoring the paint colours. I haven't seen any of those in Dulux or Crown, but haven't got further than the Kitchen and Bathroom colour selection before one of us stalks off in a huff!

Did I say that we had seen Men In Black II? Bit disappointed, but Frank the Pug is cute!}

53Xth Conversation

Post 45


MR -

Yes my brother lives in SoCal.

Yes I'm sure that you heard the Disneyland fireworks, basically if it's 9:35 and you hear booming it's the fireworks.

Amy - Great intro.


53Xth Conversation

Post 46

a girl called Ben

Shame MiBII is disappointing. I *did* enjoy the first one.

One of the best things about being single is not having to consult with anyone about what I chose to have in the flat. smiley - biggrin

The kitchen cabinets are avocado coloured melamine (a sort of cow-pat green) and truly horrendous. Since I cannot afford a new kitchen, I have decided to follow a friend's advice and paint them. Half of them are now undercoated. I am getting pathetically excited about all of this. Do you think my brains have been sucked out by aliens and replaced by colour charts?

Okay - how are we doing so far?

Two down!

Babe - Witty Ditty, Titania and Amy all got it right. It is a hot mid pink.

Atmosphere - I think Marv and Amy are nearest with sky blue and lilac grey. It seems to be the colour of mist (actually I had been thinking of using that in the hall-way, until I described it as mist!)

And two to go!

Moonlight Bay - not teal, deep blue, navy blue metallic (though I would LIKE that though) or mid blue.

Pashmina isn't ivory, dark red, pale yellow, fawn or beige.

I'll let y'all know tomorrow.

a painted lady called Ben

53Xth Conversation

Post 47


My vote is for both Moonlight Bay and Pashmina to be a kind of silvery gray. Paint colors are silly these days--as are the colors of clothing ordered out of the higher-quality catalogs. My friends just painted the interior of their house Bakery Box, Hemp, Atlantic Fog, and Butter Cookie.

(white, mossy green, gray, and yellow for those of you playing at home)

Is it possible to leave the woodwork a natural color, Ben? I do so like the look of stained or unpainted (natural) wood in a home.

53Xth Conversation

Post 48

Witty Moniker

*Gets a fresh cuppa smiley - coffee and curls up on the sofa.*

agcB, I do believe you have me confused with another researcher. I'm Witty Moniker, not Witty Ditty (U173978). WD is a rather prolific contributer to the edited guide in addition to being a RL medical student. I wouldn't want anyone thinking that I would impersonate her. smiley - yikes

53Xth Conversation

Post 49

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I go with FG on one of the two being a bluish gray color....I would say that would be the Moonlight Bay. With a tint of yellow in it (for the foglamps).

As for the other, the only thing I can think of is an ad I saw once for a scarf of the material, and it looks sort of well, a dusky rose color. So that's my guess.

As for the woodwork, I would either go with a rich oak stain (if possible) or, if it's been painted and you can't undo the job, given the white/pink undercoating, and the plum color on top, I would paint the ceiling in the main wall color and paint the molding and picture rail a warm taupe color. Really.

Had lunch with Sea today. We think there may just be something about our shared RL name....we actually had a lot in common. It was quite lovely to meet her in person.

53Xth Conversation

Post 50

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Which leaves you, Courtesy! smiley - winkeye

53Xth Conversation

Post 51


Pashmine is a dark bottle green. Obviously. Midnight Bay is, clearly, yellow.

smiley - smiley

Hemp, there is a paint colour called hemp?

53Xth Conversation

Post 52

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh Sol!

As MR mentioned above, we had lunch at a very good Chinese restaurant in Irvine. She and I have a lot of similarities; it was almost scary! smiley - winkeye And her small person is ADORABLE! I envy her curly blonde hair...

Things are looking good with D (the best-friend-turned-boyfriend). So far I haven't shown any signs of wanting to run screaming in terror at the mere mention of "commitment"! smiley - ok

smiley - winkeye

53Xth Conversation

Post 53

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

53Xth Conversation

Post 54


I think Pashmina is soft golden beige smiley - smiley
Midnight Bay... dark turquise?
Sound can carry quite well with the wind, specially over water, as I learned this summer. With the wind in the right direction , we could hear quite well what was going on onstage at the Quart Festival, on the other side of the fjord...

Munchkin, do you know that Prague is under water? They are fearing for the old town now, maybe your pictures will become important historical documents.

53Xth Conversation

Post 55


[Munchkin] I don't believe in modern colours.
Irvine is the name of a town in Ayrshire, and indeed the River Irvine flows past my parents house, so I just had a sudden flash of MR and Sea taking the plane to Prestwick for a lunch of fish and chips in some grotty seaside caf as the rain comes pelting in off of the Clyde. Irvine, not a name that fills me with happy thoughts. smiley - winkeye

53Xth Conversation

Post 56

a girl called Ben

The Fräulein was spot on with Moonlight Bay being a kind of Silvery Grey. And Montana Redhead is absolutely right that Pashmina is a dusky rose colour. A darkish, puplish dusky rose colour.

Actually describing the damn things has given me a bit more sympathy for the folks who have to name them. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes and you will have horrible blisters.

I love plain wood, but to my mind it works best with high quality wood in modern buildings. Plain woodwork is not an option for me for two reasons.

(1) This is a Victorian building, (1840), and plain wood just does not suit the style of the building.

(2) The wood they used was actually pretty nasty, because they knew it would be covered with paint.

Moudling and picture rail a warm taupe? Let me think about that one... Thanks for the suggestions.

WM - you are quite right I did muddle you up with WD - I met her at the meet, so she was nearer the front of my mind than you were when I was posting. smiley - grovel

Anyway - off to undercoat the last 3 cuboards in the kitchen. I promise not to talk obsessively about paint any more.


53Xth Conversation

Post 57


{[caer csd] Feeling a bit rough today, seem to have picked up a tummy bug. The less said about that the better!}

53Xth Conversation

Post 58

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

[Amy] - also feeling poorly. The bugs have found a way to get down the wires, I tell you!

53Xth Conversation

Post 59

Witty Moniker

*Sprays computer and desk with antiseptic. smiley - silly*

53Xth Conversation

Post 60

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I think the server has got the bug too. It's so slow today. I'm giving up and going for a nap. smiley - sleepy

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