A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The flame thrower fell onto the roof of the castle and

Post 1481

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - groan


Post 1482

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Now you guys have got me worried, should I have done some christmas shopping?

Affy, I hope it works out for the best for you smiley - hug

Off to beddie-byes smiley - yawn


Post 1483


I've purchased a "Darth Tater" for a friend.smiley - biggrin

incinerated the curtains hanging in the window. Ben was pissed, because they were velvet-lined and

Post 1484


That was truly groan-worthy, Lentilla. Besides, I don't think Ahmadinejad is crazy. He knows his audience and he's playing to them. The more he contributes to the polarization of society, the more his base of support will remain in power. See also: Bush, George W.


Post 1485

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am going to try to hit post xmas sales for my family. They are aware to expect things late this year. What the hell do you get for a one year old girl?


Post 1486

Witty Moniker

I've been on an emotional roller coaster with Amazon the last few days. I placed a large order for 30 odd items on December 11. All qualified for their free shipping option, but wouldn't be delivered until after the 27th. So I tried regular shipping, same thing. Then I tried 2-day shipping, and the pre-Christmas guaranty kicked in. So I sucked it up and paid the 2-day shipping.

After splitting my order into 3 shipments and 2 of them shipped, I re-checked my account on Sunday. The last shipment (half of the total order) was now deferred until after the 27th! smiley - grr I emailed them and explained the circumstances, asking them if they could ship what they had and I'd wait for the rest. There was an email waiting in my in-box first thing Monday morning from a Real Person. They explained that because I checked "group items together at no extra cost" rather than "ship as items become available", the entire batch that was coming from a particular warehouse was being held for something that had an unexpected delay.

The good news is that they agreed to ship the stuff that they had immediately and didn't upcharge me on the shipping cost as a courtesy. I figured that was fair, since they took several days after placing the order to let me know that the status of some items had changed. And if I hadn't checked my account, I wouldn't have known at all. But I really was impressed that a Real Person addressed my problem on a Sunday evening!

That really more than you wanted to know, isn't it? smiley - blush


Post 1487


I've got no shame about getting Christmas presents to people late. I say, "Dude...we've got 12 Full Days to get it to you!" I mean, Christmas isn't a single holiday...several days during which we can exchange the presents.

So I'm not worried about getting it all done in time.

went up in flames. However, the flames were a lovely orange color.

Post 1488

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> What the hell do you get for a one year old girl?

I always wanted a horse when I was that age. Get her something that makes a lot of noise and annoys the parents.

> But I really was impressed that a Real Person addressed my problem on a Sunday evening!

I'm alternately angered and pleased by Amazon's customer service. A while back, I sent a check to them to purchase a book that ended up not being available. So I had this credit in my account, that I could use online - supposedly. The only problem was, every time I used my check credit, the order got put on hold while they waited for my money - which was already credited to me in their accounts. So every time I ordered something, I would have to email them to remind them of the situation, a flunky would push a button, and I would get my order.

When I use their credit card services, I have no problem whatsoever.

FG - hear, hear. I still think he's crazy, but it doesn't mean he's stupid!

The flames matched Ben's

Post 1489


I've always been pleased with Amazon's customer service. Sure, I've had troubles with shipments being late(r) than their original estimate, but they've always been prompt with Real Person replies to my concerns and have credited my account more than once when a package went missing. I always pick the "Super Saver" shipping and let people know in advance their gifts may or may not arrive on time. I have to agree with Affy: Christmas is a season, not just a single day.

Well yeah, Lentilla, denying the Holocaust is crazy, but he's doing it to gain political points--which, sadly, is sane.

The flames matched Ben's

Post 1490

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Marv, a doll (the soft plushy kind) worked for Athena.

knickers, unbeknownst to

Post 1491

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*comes in for some cocoa, waves to everyone, and heads back to her apartments*

knickers, unbeknownst to

Post 1492

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Good night all.


Post 1493

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I know this is going to sound silly, especially coming from a bloke, but if you have any young kids with soft toys that they grow out of, wrap the toys up` carefully, mark them as not to be thrown away, and store them away in your loft/basement.
I have nothing left from when I was a kid, just a primary school photo of a Nativity play, and really wish I had kept the soft toys I had, they were around in my parents loft, but they thew them away, now I look in toy shop windows sometimes if passing for a similar toy lamb I used to have. I really wish I had those old toys, and remember the old brown dog, that was a pyjama case too, if I remember correctly. I used to have a golly that my sister bought for me for a Christmas present from a local church bazaar(sp?) one Christmas.
....hi all,` by the way....


Post 1494


I'm with StrangeDude on that one. Because my parents moved so much, due to HM Forces postings, all my childhood toys got taken to the Thrift Shop just before we moved on. I do have some Christenings gifts still, but sometimes wish I still had Binky who was my first doll.


Post 1495

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I've kept one teddy bear called Ken, which my mum made for me when I was quite little. I've also kept all hardback books I had as a child and some paperback books and board games that are still in nice condition. They remind me of times gone by and I want to be able to pass them on to children/godchildren/nephews/nieces as and when such people may or may not be born.


Post 1496


Mornin' All

My attic is full of lego, duplo, K-nex and children's books. I'll just have to hope for some grandchildren to give them to - eventually.

I still have the panda I was given when I had chicken-pox at the age of five. It's missing one eye and its nose - and has no squeak smiley - sadface

Right - if you see me on here again before this evening - chase me back to work; this is my last chance to get properly organised for the weekend.


Post 1497

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

My mum still has the little dog I had when I was wee... he has no nose, no tongue and only half of his original stuffing.


Post 1498


So rock and roll is still considered the work of the devil then, cool smiley - biggrin

No mince pies yet but I did get about half the wrapping done last night.

As a child I got toys passed down from my older sisters (of couse I had some of my own as well). Since then they have been passed on further to my younger sister and then onto nephews and nieces as they came along. There is still a cupboard full of toys at my parents house for when the grandchildren turn up there smiley - smiley


Post 1499

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

So Mr Dreadful, your dog has no noes, so how does he smell?
....terrible, LOL.
...sorry, couldn't resist it.
But seriously, I am genuinly jealous of the people with toys left from childhood...and the talk of giving them away to relatives!!!
...please at least keep some, or a soft toy, believe me you will regret it when they have gone....I so wish I had at least a tiny toy left from childhood....


Post 1500

Titania (gone for lunch)


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