A Conversation for h2g2 Birthday Party

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 121


Yes I did enjoy myself! But the pictures are likely to stay on my camera for some months to come, although I do have my school leaver's party which is likely to use up a lot of frames of people I probably won't see again. Unlike you lot. I'm going to come to the Christmas one but I hope we won't have to wait quite that long. Abi, do you still want to go ice-skating at Christmas?

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 122


When was that suggested? There was so much stuff I missed at the get together I not sure I was at the same one as everyone else. smiley - winkeye

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 123


not iceskating... much too scary...

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 124


Last time I went I mannaged not to fall over. smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 125

Demon Drawer

That was propably decided when we were propping up the bar and putting the world to rights. smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 126


How long were we sitting at the bar, we missed loads.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 127


So it could have been at any time after getting to the pub then smiley - winkeye

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 128

Demon Drawer

It couldn't have been any time else, Abi was umpiring (allegedly smiley - winkeye stares at bruised leg) the softball.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 129


Stops you running too fast smiley - bigeyes

How was the flight back (other than seeing a double of mesmiley - smiley)?

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 130

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I wandered... Ice-skating in August would be fun smiley - smiley

How about we DON'T have it in Slough? smiley - smiley
I live 6 miles from it and yet it is almost impossible to get home again, such is public transport smiley - winkeye

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 131

Demon Drawer

Slough it is then. smiley - winkeye

Phil the flight was a little rough turbulencewise good job I travel well, I suppose I have to being so remote. smiley - smiley But all in all a very good weekend. smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 132

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

There's a skating rink in Oxford, buses from Oxford to London all night, and I have a kitchen here, so cake wouldn't have to travel so far.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 133

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

They stop in my town but only until 7 at night smiley - sadface

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 134

Demon Drawer

Oxford has suddnely become very tempting. smiley - smiley

Loved the cake Aendr and Smiley Ben's addition of Icing on it and everybody's body certainly topped things off. smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 135


Ulp... that is a bit worrying smiley - winkeye

care to e-mail it to [email protected] ?

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 136

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

If Oxford then things become difficult. The cake was wonderful but I wouldn't be able to get back again.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 137


How about somewhere nearer an airport??
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 138


It is, just depends on your definition of near I guess smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 139


Hi all, great to see you last Saturday, haven't got time to read all this forum... tell me if something exciting is happening... bye!

*Peregrin vanishes in a hurry*

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 140


I've just had a look ar Dr EV's pictures, and I'm in one! Didn't think I'd stayed long enough to be caught on film, but I'm sitting down in the park talking to Anna. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

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