A Conversation for h2g2 Birthday Party

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 41


I'll just bring the big bottle of sun cream I've got 9and some after sun if it's needed later on.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 42


Everyone happy about the arrangements for Saturday?

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 43

Demon Drawer

smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 44

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Happy! smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 45

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Fine by me smiley - smiley

Andrew is coming, Matt is not ( smiley - sadface )... I wish he were really. Oh well smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 46


and I am umpiring!!!

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 47


BTW, whoever wrote this page forgot to put the actual *date* that we're meeting up on it. I've been standing here in Hyde Park for three weeks now.

So far I have received:

5734 one pence pieces from commuters thinking I look homeless;
One hamburger from a nice commuter thinking I look homeless;
86 flyers for random nightclub events in London. Whoever writes these things is running out of ideas. They call the events things like 'The Event';
56,324 requests for 'The Big Issue';
247 pigeon droppings;
and 47 punches from people thinking I'm a mime artist.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 48


Does anyone mind if I sit on the side lines during the game, my knee is still out of it.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 49

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Does anyone mind if I sit around taking pictures of researchers making fools of themselves during the game? smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 50

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Remember Hypostop, glucose tablets, cool box, insulin, syringes, chocolate, sausages, badminton raquet, sabre, mobile, chemistry set, camera, notebook and pen, laptop, briefcase.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 51


EV, that is no excuse. You have to play, I'm wimping out cos I still limp whan walking up the stairs.

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 52


EV you can do just that, as long as you don't complain when other researchers take pictures of you doing silly things also smiley - smiley

Joe, are you sure you've remembered everything on that list. It does look a little short!

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 53


He forgot the water. smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 54


If any one gets to wimp out it'll be me. I'll have put in a full days work before catching the train down to London. I may be a little bit late arriving but I'll still be there, and willing to playsmiley - smiley

And as for looking pale, hey I've got first dibs on that. How d'you think I got the nickname of Pastey?smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 55


Guys I am sooooo looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Safe journeys everyone! smiley - smiley

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 56

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

smiley - smiley

I know I shouldn't but I am taking a briefcase smiley - winkeye
I am a workaholic smiley - bigeyes

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 57


I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming! See you all there! Wohoo!

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 58

AEndr, The Mad Hatter


me too

and I am NOT going to be playing, full stop

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 59


I'm SOOO bad at Softball and most other sports - my physical condition can be summed up by the fact that the most strenuous sport I do is Archery, which is hardly cardiovascular exercise now, is it? But then I'll be seeing you all in a few hours so you can judge for yourselves!
List of stuff to pack:
Factor 25 Sun Cream (I burn SO easily)
Money smiley - bigeyes
Train ticket
Sticky pastries
Chelsea Buns
Cream Horns
Chocolate Eclairs
Cheat-O-Matic Softball Attractor(TM)
Now I'm getting silly.
I apologise
smiley - bigeyessmiley - fishsmiley - bigeyes

Thomas Cook have just Called

Post 60

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I like archery too

stuff I really am going to be packing:

cake (chocolate)
cake (ginger)
cake (lemon, made from Normal lemons [ref to Damogran])
strepsils (woke up with a nasty sore throat)
Guide Association catalogue
Notepad & pen (for the journey)
County badges (for swapping with other Guiders, I'm not just h2g2ing today - the coach stops in a very convenient place for me)
normal contents of my bag - you know, the usual - calculator, umbrella, first aid kit, screwdrivers, string, safety pins
stuffed toad
spare hat

see you later, be there maybe 3-4 ish, or earlier depending on walking speed

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