old h2g2 home page
Created | Updated May 3, 2003
The perfect way is without difficulty. Strive hard...
- old Zen paradox
I wrote this page when I first joined h2g2, about three years ago, and it hasn't really changed substantially since then (the page, I mean - h2g2 most definitely has, and not always for the better IMO). Doubtless it could use a little rewriting. For example, the 'recent big relaunch' referred to below was the one after the BBC takeover, which must have been sometime around March 2001 if memory serves... Frankly, though, I can't be arsed. The only reason I'm writing this now is because it keeps embarrassing me to look at such out of date information, as I find myself drifting back to the site after a fairly long absence. I think I'll probably drift away again soon, but you never know...
Post-preamble ramble
Seeing as h2g2 has recently had a big relaunch, I reckon I might as well enjoy one too. 'Relaunch', here, of course, just means presenting the same content slightly rejigged to look as though it's been upgraded. Which it hasn't. Don't worry though, moderators, there weren't any swear words here anyway and unless one counts hardcore scepticism as a profanity, I don't think there'll be anything to irritate the censors, or offend the masses, in my little corner of the virtual world. Ok, on with the show...
A few general pointers
A character as reticent as I shouldn't really feel the need for an in-depth personal introduction, still less a webpage to trumpet it before the world. But, as I always say, if you can't beat the new technology try to avoid it for as long as possible; then, when that doesn't work either, I suppose you might as well just give up and go along with the flow, in time-honoured Taoist fashion, hoping not to make too many typos alogn the way...
So let me present a few general media-friendly pointers, for the bloodthirsty among my readership. I am of modest but decent, honest enough means, a life-long non-Christian with agnostic tendencies and a useful line in literary-minded nonsense satire. I work, study, think, eat, and perform other basic functions, with a reasonable level of efficiency, and generally speaking I have nothing in particular to complain about, at present, as far as I can see. Nothing much, at any rate...
Even the most sanguine of individuals will lose their medium-dry humour from time to time, and naturally I am no exception. I have a particular distaste for people who cling to the absurd notion that the Universe revolves around them personally, and by implication the Human Race in general. I have a dream (yes, me too) that one day these good folks will learn :-
Apart from that I shall leave my profile blank for the time being, except to say that, while I'm pleased to have at long last abandoned 'spring chicken' status, I am still young(ish) and naive(ish) enough to suffer from the ego delusion of ambition. In fact, I have a number of them :-
I shall try to approach them in roughly that order. By the time I get around to doing something about number four, I reckon I should have a collection of archive material to rival that of the British Library, and who knows perhaps I can make a few easy quid selling it all on to them as a job lot. Then again, maybe not...
Spirit Voices
Various useful addresses to know and places to hang out...
Peer Review
A431911 (someday I'll get around to joining... )
Interesting h2g2 statistics
h2g2 Literary Society
h2g2 Post
Not all of these people are still active on h2g2. And I don't really know any of them, of course, not in what they call 'Real Life'. I keep them listed here mainly for my own benefit, either because they have interesting links on their home page, or they have some stimulating articles accredited to them, or else simply because they had / have worthwhile things to say for themselves. Go see for yourself, if you feel like surfing around a little...
including some chess stuff that I'm into at the moment.