A Conversation for South African Jargon Directory - A survival guide for visitors

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 61

Kat - From H2G2

Author still here?

If so this doesn't have to be in Guide-ML at all. If it is picked at any point then a subeditor will put it all in Guide-ML and being in Guide-ML gives a piece no better or worse chance of getting picked.

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 62

Dr Hell

I heard some people say "Better no GuideML at all than wrong GuideML"


IS smiley - winkeye

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 63

Kat - From H2G2

smiley - steam You changed your name! How dare you!? smiley - winkeye

No Elvis...the author posted on h2 last week...don't get click-removal happy smiley - smiley

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 64

Dr Hell

I didn't... It's a temporary mutation. Happens every now and then (past mutations were: Space Amoeba, Elvis, Freewheelin' Franklin). It is otherwise harmless.

IS smiley - tongueout

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 65

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

its just rather confusing.

-- scouts changing names hurt me head

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 66

Dr Hell

So it's not that harmless after all is it...

IS (tafka Hell)
(try ASPIRIN A592715)

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 67


That would be great - be be honest that's what stumped me from doing anything with it - all the insistence that it be fluffed up with fancy fonts and such - and I'm really not interested in learning how to do that - I hardly have time to flutter in every few days and say hello.

Now that I know I wont have to do that to have anything done with the entry, I'll do some work on it.

smiley - fairy

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 68

Dr Hell

That's good news smiley - winkeye

IS smiley - winkeye

A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 69

Kat - From H2G2

I prod this entry in a prodding encouraging type way smiley - winkeye


A2883152 - SA Jargon Directory - A survival guide to visitors

Post 70


LOL! Thanks Kat - just got connected at home so I'll be able to have another go at it in the coming weeks smiley - smiley thanks for the prod tho!

smiley - fairy

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 71


Great entry, but you should probably give some credit to James Clarke of 'Stoep Talk' and Rawbone Malonge of 'Ah Big Yaws' fame for first coming up with the idea. Also spell 'Kak' correctly. 'Eitha' is spelled and pronounced 'heita'.

I also fail to see the connection between marmite and peanut butter, but maybe thats just me.

Overall a good artical with some hilarious bits.
Some others to include:

'Naught/s my bru/china'

'robot' as in traffic light




and 'Jozi'

Glad to see someone so in love with SA, I adore the place.smiley - cheers

smiley - smiley

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 72

Researcher 825122

Ah, Bliksem is not SA-slang. It's an official Dutch word, meaning lightning smiley - biggrin

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 73


Bliksem might be a real word in Dutch, but in South African slang it means 'to hit', or just as an expression of emotion, or as a rude name.

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 74

Researcher 825122

In Dutch is can be used as an expression of emotion, 'bliksems' when something is very good. 'Bliksems' can be used as a rude word just as well like in 'blikskater(s)'.

Do you use it in SA also as:
bliksemaanval, bliksembezoek, bliksemoorlog, bliksemsnel, bliksemstart, bliksemtempo, bliksemcarrière?
These words with 'bliksem' mean 'very fast or quick': a very quick attack, a very quick visit, a very quick war, very quick, a very quick start, a very fast speed, a very quick career.

'Loop naar de bliksem' translated literally goes as 'walk towards the lightening' but is accurately translated in 'f**k off', 'p**s off' or to put it bluntly 'go to hell'.

'Hete bliksem', is a dish made of potatoes, apples and meat.

Right there is my smiley - 2cents contribution towards the Dutch origens of the Afrikaans language and the hotchpotch, smiley - bigeyes (Hutspot?) of SA-slang. smiley - cool

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 75


In Afrikaans
Lightning is 'blits'. So you get expressions like 'blitsvinnig' which means 'lightning-fast'. Bliksem is not really used in this context. It is usually used in threats or name-calling. eg 'I'm going to bliksem you!' Which means 'I'm going to hit you (very hard). Or 'You bliksem!' Which means 'You bastard!'.
Afrikaans is a sort of low Dutch. So don't be surprised to find alot of the Dutch language in Afrikaans.
Cheerssmiley - cheers

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 76

Researcher 825122

'Hodgepodge', beg your pardon, is the correct spelling and 'donder' being thunder in Dutch, but can also be used as giving someone a good trashing: 'iemand een pak op z'n donder geven', just like in Afrikaans. I think Afrikaans is marvelous. Ach bro, I can't be that snoep about it, 'snoep' in Dutch are sweets for kids, like lollypops, winegums etc. You can call someone also, especially a male above a certain age who like women a lot 'een oude snoeper'. smiley - laugh

Anyway, I cannot find 'hodgepodge' in the English dictionary. So I assume it's an Afrikaans word as well with roots in the Dutch language, such as from 'hutspot', a dish of mashed potatoes, carrots, onions and meat?

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 77


Ek weet nie(I don't know), but I wouldn't be surprised.
smiley - cheersMalcstonbru

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 78


Citing OED:

hodgepodge - variant of hotchpotch

hotchpotch - confused mixture or jumble, esp. of ideas. [from French hochepot - shake pot]

smiley - smiley

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 79

Researcher 825122

smiley - ok I wanted to reply 'ik weet het ook niet' (Neither do I) but look what I found:

It's great! You can type in any word and it gives details about its origins.

Great entry, but a couple of errors

Post 80


That *is* a good site! (I suppose we need to point the OED editors to it.)

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