Escape Pod Dreams - 78
Created | Updated Jul 29, 2004
Escape Pod Dreams - The Fear of Work Issue
Work and other four letter words
I've got this strange habit. I like to know what is going on. Many of the jobs I have held involved my asking questions because I really didn't know what was going on. These were entry level positions (a phrase that I think some closet queen invented) that involved my employers and some co-workers wondering why I even bothered to apply or to show up for work (in the case of the temporary jobs) if I didn't have a clue. I'll tell you why, just like I told them. I don't figure things out as quickly as some people. You would think that if a firm is going to hire someone or have the agency send someone over that they might understand a little transition period. But, no, it seems that many of these people don't understand what they are doing within the scheme of the firm, so they can't explain it to someone else. I've had three occasions when I showed up for work and found myself being trained by someone who wasn't really trained themselves, another temp. That really shows a concern for productivity, doesn't it? If you don't care enough to pay attention to the people who work for or with you, then maybe you are the one who is not doing their job. The phrase 'you ask too many questions' should not be heard in the ear of a new employee.