Job Four

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I started going to a new church. I heard out of the corner of my ear one Sunday that they were going to hire a cleaning service while they looked for a new maintenance man/janitor. I knew the church secretary. I told her it made no sense so hire a cleaning service as by the time they got around to knowing the place, it would be time for them to go away. She said, "What do you suggest?"
I gave her my resume. I said it would make more sense to have someone they knew and who knew the place a little. I got an interview with the personnel commitee (sp?) within a few days and within a week I was hired.

Any difference between this job and the others? Nope. Same old stuff.

I walked in there the first day, ready to go to work and had to get a bunch of stuff unlocked, assemble my supplies, figure out what was where and what needed doing. There was a bunch of stuff that had been neglected by the previous janitor, which, it turned out, was a member whom no one had wanted to offend. Pleh. He was a slob. I spent almost the whole time cleaning up and fixing stuff that should have been dealt with years before. The secretary told me I didn't have to do all that stuff. I said it needs doing. She said, well, you're not really an employee. When we get a professional in here, all that will change. Yeah, right. Like the bulbs in the EXIT signs. I don't know why the fire marshal didn't cite them. Anyway, I worked diligently, trying to make sense of it all, until the day I was told by the secretary that tomorrow was my last day. No one from the commitee came by, no one said thanks. It turned out when I went into church on Sunday mornings that one outside the staff knew I was working there. It also turned out that most of the congregation couldn't give a thought to who was cleaning up after them. It's a class thing. I still go there, and I'm still cleaning up after the current janitor. When people hire someone to do something and they don't really care what they do, as long as they don't rock the boat, I think that's sad.

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