A Conversation for male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Peer Review: A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 1


Entry: male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women - A2868717
Author: Robert_Wells - U804417

i just joined the guide but belive that this artcle has mereit to be publish. i am a amatuer novelsit and i think this could be useful in the guide and i see many people going through this experience. it meet the guide lines however i do appulsigise for any grammar and punction error. i can write about most things so i though her a good start. thank you and please enjoy

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 2

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hmmmm.... Unfortunately, I'm just now seeing this one, and the author hasn't been around since posting this. If you come back, Robert, drop a line here and I'll come add my feedback on this one.

smiley - cheers

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 3


i back. luck i just stopped bye, bet the article is terrible. i'm a pessmist. any honest feedback is good. catch you later bye

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi Robert!

Sorry no-one commented your article. I don't know how that happened. I was away on holidays and it got buried in the pile of other articles, but somebody should have said something.

I think there is the basis for a good entry in this, but I'm not sure. It needs a lot of tidying, but the basic idea is sound, in my opinion. What does anybody else think?

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 5

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hi there, Robert! Glad you came 'round again! smiley - cheerup

I certainly don't think this entry is terrible by any means -- I found it quite entertaining. However, both the content and the style made me wonder if Peer Review was perhaps the best place for it.

You seem a bit new to h2g2, so perhaps you're not aware yet of all the different ways in which your entry can be "published" here, so here's a quick run-down for you:

smiley - disco Any entry you write can be read by any visitor to h2g2 -- in that respect, it's already published.

smiley - disco We have the Edited Guide. Each day, new entries appear on the Front Page for the Edited Guide, and to get there, entries go through Peer Review (where this entry is now). Edited Guide entries are generally aimed at informing their audience about something.

smiley - disco We also have many groups that look for entries not in Peer Review, but in the Alternative Writing Workshop. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/Writing-Alternative Entries are found here for the Underguide, for the Post, AGG/GAG/CAC, and the Spaced Out Guide. Each of these has its own unique focus, a little different from the Edited Guide. For many of the articles in these places, the main intent of the writing is to entertain or amuse, more than to inform.

That's the impression I get from your entry here -- that it's more about being funny than it is about telling people about something. That doesn't mean it's not a good article, just that perhaps it would be better off in the Alternative Writing Workshop (AWW).

If you really want to get this entry into the Edited Guide, you would have to work on making it more realistic, which I'm afraid might ruin some of its current flavor. Does that make sense?

smiley - mouse

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 6

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

I do like this entry - it's really funny - but the grammar and spelling needs sorting out.

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 7


dear sir,
thank you for your advice. i just wish to state a few things.

one- i have terrible grammar and punctionation and i thought it was the job of editors to repair that. as i have not the time or ablity to proofread my own novels so how could i do reports.

two- have you ever been bra shopping with women. this is serious advice. i have seen men go to huge length to avoid these invents and i had the misfortune to be takenm on one of these. (And that nothing compared to the time i was dragged into and adult store and they went shopping for certain object which shall remain nameless.) and trust me if you ever in that situation. this advice would be helpful. i seen guys break down in tears in these situations

three- if you don't make an article comic. and i don't mean insanely funny or ill logical. i mean witty then what is the point of read h2g2. i mean just get a book of the shelf. this is important and not commonly avaible information like mine avaible for use. so you want a more informative article. well i shall write a little thing for you. how about mircoeconomic thoery or the instrumental nature of humanity. and we'll have a look.

so you want me to change my submission for the under guide. then instruct me as of how and it shall be done. but just to clarrfy, isn';t it the role of an editor to edit things of incorrect punctionation and spelling and the like. i appreciate your help and sincerlty

robert wells

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on


It is good if your article is funny, but not essential. This one is both informative and mildly amusing.

It is not the job of the editors to sort out the grammar. They're far too busy. Anyone who is capable of speaking should be capable of writing correctly. All it takes is for you to read what you have written. Spelling can be corrected by a spelling checker and by watching out for such traps as their/there and its/it's. These are easily learnt.

Current policy is that the entry should be as ready as possible for the Front Page before it is picked. This puts the onus on you to make this good enough, if you want it picked.

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 9

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I like this entry, but like the rest here, feel it needs work on.

As a starting point, simple things tlike starting each sentecne with a captial letter and spacing out the headers from the sections will make things a bit easier

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 10


I think this entry has a good start, but I definitely agree that work needs to be put into basic grammar to make it more readable. Just try running your entry through spelling/grammar check on your computer, and you'll fix a lot.

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 11

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Ahem. Is this still being worked on, or since the author hasn't posted for about 2 months, should it be Fleamarketized?

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 12


Maybe he's wrapped up with the microeconomic article he promised. Now theres pure torture for you!!!smiley - yikes

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 13

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Personally, my vote would be back to the entry -- but if people really think it should be in the FM, I'd be okay with that.

smiley - mouse

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 14


If it was up to me, I'd opt for a move back to entry. I ask: is it *really* suited to the nature of the Guide?

smiley - dragon

A2868717 - male survival for clothes and lingerie shopping with women

Post 15

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Ok, I'll add it to my email as a "back to entry".

smiley - cheers

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