A Conversation for Talking Point: Ageism

It all depends....

Post 1


A great many of today's population do take exception to those of us who are older. However, as my darling husband used to say

"you win a few; you lose a few".

I think that a mix of young, middle aged and old is an excellent one. I love the enthusiasm of youth but it upsets me when they lack compassion and charity.

The middle aged professional are in many ways the harshest critics of the older members of the population. I would love to have contact with the older members and see if we could share experiences. However when I went to the website of a well known old age charity all I found were proposals of "friendship" and greater things. !! the last thing that I am looking for.

I enjoy sharing all the wonderful experiences of my various researcher friends. I love it when researchers share their lives and problems with us. It makes me feel as if I am still involved in a living world.

If I had to rely on living friends I would quietly curl up my toes.

So thank you to all the wonderful researchers on this site.

You make this particular old lady feel happy and invovled and cared for.

And you really make my life worth living.


It all depends....

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

smiley - smooch

It all depends....

Post 3


Thank you so much.


It all depends....

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

You're more than welcome, Christiane. The 'mix' you talk of is one of the great features of h2g2's Community. We in-house have been most definitely enriched by some of the things we've read, learned, talked about with the 'older' h2g2 Users. It continues to be one of the great pleasures of our job. smiley - ok

It all depends....

Post 5


I like radiante's point. I've been in groups of people my own age and have found it quite depressing as they just seem so stupid and silly sometimes. I have friends who are a mix of ages and I love it.

It means I can draw on the experiences of those who are a bit older than me, and they're still young at heart anyway. Not that any are immature, but they're able to have a laugh and all that even if they're more than twice my age. I've actually found that at times I prefer to be in the company of those a bit older than me anyway as I've seen friends my own age just go daft whren they get together. I find myself wishing they would wise up a bit.

It all depends....

Post 6


However being optimistic has it's down side.

It seems as if people have a very "programmed" view of how one should act , react, behave etc. in certain circumstances.

Illhealth is a point in question.

It seems that people actually get quite angry when one tries to be lighthearted about one's health problems.

I remember well a very cross parishioner who asked me how I was.

I replied.
"Oh! thank you, I am fine"

Her reply astonished me.

"Oh" she said, "You always say you are fine" and walked away very crossly.

Should I tell everyone how I really feel?

It is bad enough to feel as I do without inflicting it on everyone else I think!!

I wonder!


It all depends....

Post 7


Yeah. It's good to off-load to certain people and get stuff off you chest etc. But at the same time, I kinda know how you feel. I don't like the idea of telling all to someone just coz they're there or whatever.

I know I've had times when I'm not feeling fanytastic, and just want half an hour by myself to think it through, relax etc. But then someone comes over and starts badgering me to talk about it. "What's wrong? I can heklp you know." Arrrgh!!!

It all depends....

Post 8


Hi my friend,

Actually I was trying to say that I do not like to give a tale of woe to people. It is so boring!!.

I loved your homepage.

and as for those wonderful photographs of your Church.

It all depends....

Post 9


Yeah. Sorry. Got that after I repled. Silly me!

Though you do have a point there too. you don't want to burden people or just sound bad/boring/moaning either.

You liked the pics then?

It all depends....

Post 10



I loved the pictures and I loved your homepage. Mine has not been touched ever since I first joined at about 2001 as I have now checked!!. and I have lost my password on three separate occasions so have had to change my name!!.

Go Well..

christiane smiley - bubbly
aka Also Ransmiley - schooloffish
aka Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish or AR1

It all depends....

Post 11


you lost your password! smiley - yikes Easy done I suppose. I know people who haveseveral email addresses, websites, internet banking etc and have a different password for each. Think thet'd confuse me. I just use the same one for everything so I don't get muddled up.

Sounds like you've been on here a similar sort of time to me. How'd you come across the place?

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