Talking Point: Ageism
Created | Updated Mar 11, 2008
Earlier this week Sir Menzies Cambell resigned as leader of the Liberal Democrats. From the very start of his leadership, there had been accusations that he was too old to win mass support and now the party have put emphasis on finding a 'fresh new face.' The Prime Minister's decision not to call an early election is thought to have been the main factor behind his resignation:
I think now that the election is not likely to be before 2009 or maybe even 2010, Ming feels that he ought not to be leading at that point and I think that's right.
- Baroness Williams
But was it the right decision? New laws on age discrimination came into force on October 2006, but it could be argued that many employers have been slow to realise the benefits in hiring people over 50.
This week, we ask:
Are we an ageist society? Do other cultures have a healthier attitude towards their more elderly citizens?
Should the experience and skills of the aged count more than youthful chutzpah? Are voters put off by older politicians?
Does ageism damage society? Is it a waste of talent?
Alternatively, should the old step aside for the young?
Do the elderly draw the short straw in other areas of society, such as the NHS?
How old is 'old', nowadays?
From Sir Mick Jagger to Sir Cliff Richard: Who are our best older role models?