A Conversation for The Snowball Cannon

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 161

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

What? My link didn't work? Well, let's try it again: http://www.h2g2.com/U108443 with the message of "I'm gonna shoot you soon so I'd hide and be scared if I were you!" (and don't say who it's from, she'll know)

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 162

Garius Lupus

This one is for you, Affy. I have to run to catch a bus. Sorry Katsy, but Affy will be here soon.

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 163


SIGH! I have to run to. Hope I don't forget when I come back.smiley - sadface

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 164

P'hul -that just turns over heads up pennies that she finds

*Steps in with hands in pockets. Wind is howling all around.*

yells hollowly: 'Heeelllloooww?'

*Blinks, turns & decides to look for the donuts place.*

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 165

Garius Lupus

*brushes snow off of hands.*

There we go. Just sent that snowball Katsy. smiley - smiley

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 166

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanks smiley - winkeye

Can you also send one to my brother, Shim please? he is http://www.h2g2.com/U23 with the message of "pleassee, puurrllease don't throw me off h2g2!"

Shoveling snow builds CHARACTER!

Post 167

Garius Lupus

Done! I think it is probably time for a new forum for hit requests. Request your hits here:


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