A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - SPANISH Department

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 141



Maldito, former past participle and now adjetive
maldecido, only past participle

Ha maldecido a su familia, he has cursed his family

YOu see, to make mistakes is not exclusive of smiley - seniorsmiley - smooch

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 142


We ought to have a separate minisite where we could keep all these things we're learning!
Debieremos de producir un especio de sitio(?) pequeňísimo, smiley - bleep donde se pudiese tener todos estas cosas que seguimos aprendiendo.

Muchas gracias por el ayudo, Mar.
Thanks very much for the help, Mar.

No sabía que 'decir' y 'maldecir' no eran semejantes.
I didn't know these two verbs weren't similar.
Or have I just forgotten?
O es que sencillamente lo he olvidado?......smiley - senior

smiley - bleepThat &#3w8; at the top is what you get when you try to use the Character Map for a tilde. smiley - doh

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 143


Hi Serafina,

*deberíamos tener or deberíamos hacernos con: we should have

*especie de sitio: a kind of place,

* ayuda: help ( it is a female noun)
Yo ayudo: I help (verb form)

If you want to use the tilde, graphic accent, use capital letter:
cÁntaro, pÁjaro, camiÓn, cÉsped

for the ñ use one of the many medieval graphies used then to represent that palatal sound: niño can be ninio
so, Ñ can be NI.

Cuéntame algo de tu jardín. Puedes poner fotos aquí. Sería estupendo verlas.
Me encantan los jardines y las huertas.
---Tell me something about your garden. Yo can link photoes here. It would be great to see them.
I love gardens and orchards.

smiley - smiley

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 144


Voy a aprovechar de poner fotos de mi jardin, pero yo veo todas las malas hierbas y no las flores hermosas! El jardín ya es demasiado grande para dos smiley - seniores, aunque acabamos de vender una grande sección. Hay hierbas en frente de la casa, con árboles y flores, y detrás tenemos otra hierba con rosas y otras flores. Pensaba que no necesitaría mas de unas horas por semana para regularlo!!!!!smiley - doh pero si había nueve dias en la semana, tiendría que trabajar todo el tiempo. Pobre de mí!!smiley - injured Pues, hábleme del tuyo? y de tus cabras, claro!!
I'm going to try to post some pictures of the garden, but I only see the weeds and not the flowers! The garden is far too big for two ancients, in spite of us having sold a large part of it. There's a lawn in front of the house, with trees and flowers, and behind we have another lawn with roses and other plants. I used to think it would only take a few hours a week to see to it, but if there were nine days in a week, I'd still have to work all the time. Poor me! So tell me about yours, and about the goats, of course!

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 145


Hi sweet lady,

para arreglarlo: to see it to it

*regular: state norms. Fix things through norms or parameters:
regular la inmigracion: to regulate inmigration ( put into practice norms, policies according to the issue)
regular la calefacción: put, fix the central heating according to what you need.

*regular is also an adjetive. it means not too good nor too bad.

I have no goats nowsmiley - laugh nor garden or orchard. I used to have it when I was a child.
Ahora no tengo cabras, ni jardín ni huerta. Solía tenerlo cuando era niña.

But we have decided to come back to our hometown. There I will have garden and orchard. It is a very heartfelt wish I have.
---Pero hemos decidido volver a nuestra ciudad. Allí tendré jardín y huerto. ( you can say huerto and huerta)
Es mi sincero deseo.

The weeds can be beautiful. Don´t refuse them. My future garden will have a section with autoctonal flora. I've said my mun to start planting those wild plants for me.
I recommend you to get a book on weeds and autoctonal flora. YOu will know them and will appreciate them too.

smiley - smiley

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 146


Buenas tardes!

Pasé esta maNana a hablar francés, pues el espaNol me viene muy lentamente, y con dificultad! I was speaking French all morning, so Spanish is coming to me slowly and with difficulty! smiley - weird

Yes, I know there are beautiful weeds; somebody once said 'a weed is a flower in the wrong place' so they're wild flowers, really, and a section for them is perfect. But the ones I complain about are those which settle in my bed where I'M the one who decides what grows there!smiley - grr

Sí, sé bien que las malas hierbas pueden ser hermosas; son de verdad flores non cultivadas, y una sección para ellas sería ideal. Ma éstos que me dan pena son ésos que crecen in el lugar donde soy yo quién escoge(a?) lo que crezca (éso parece curioso!) allí.

'It's something I really want' better than 'a......I have'
'I've asked my mum' better than 'I've said..'

De qué raza eran tus cabras? What breed were your goats? Estoy segura de que las debes de echar a menos? I'm sure you miss them?

No vale nada. El francés está allí todavía. Debo de irme. smiley - sadface It's no good. French is still there. I'll have to go! Adiós a todos. Dig. 'Bye, all.

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 147


De qué raza eran tus cabras? What breed were your goats?

Raza significa 'breed' y 'race'?

Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 148


Yes, KZ, at least I hope so! smiley - biggrin Mine were Golden Guernseys, which are smaller than the usual breeds, and extraordinarily pretty - at least, mine were. Perhaps beauty lies.....

Sí, KZ, lo espero por lo menos! Las mías eran GG,que son más pequeNas que las 'normales'?, y pequeNísimas - las mías, por lo menos. Quizás lo guapo queda (en los ojos del spectador!!!)smiley - doh


Herbs á é ó í ñ

Post 149


Holá, todos! Dónde estáis? Estoy solo aqui yo?????

Hi, everyone. Where are you all? Am I all alone here?

Qué pesamos de Rafa? What do we think of Nadal?


Post 150


Hay aquí algo de extraNo. Tu mensaje parece haber sido escrito hace diez minutos, pero yo lo ví algunas semanas antes! Y cuando contesté, el mío desaparezó. Qué pasa?

There's something funny here. Your message seems to have been written 10 minutes ago, but I saw it several weeks ago! And when I replied, mine (my message) disappeared. What's going on?

Dig smiley - senior


Post 151


Lo extraNo es que ahora el mensaje de Mar a lo cual contesté yo ahora no está!!!!

The odd thing is that, now, Mar's message, which I was answering, is nowhere to be found.

Frost? Barnaby? Taggart? Dónde estáis? Where are you??

Digagain. Still smiley - senior


Post 152


Aquí estoy, otra vez, pero dónde están los otros?

Quisiera mucho hablar en espanol con alguién!!

Here I am again, but where is everybody else? I'd very much like to talk Spanish with someone.



Post 153


No pasa nada. Estamos aqui, esperando.

Here we are!


Post 154


Holá, entonces!! Estoy feliz de haberos descubierto. Pero lo triste es que me voy en vacaciones jueves por la manana! Espero que seguíes esperándome después?

Muy buenos a todos.

Hi, then. I'm happy to have found you, but the sad thing is that I'm off on holiday on Thursday morning. I hope you'll still be waiting for me afterwards?!

Best wishes to all.


Post 155

Skankyrich [?]

Es cualquier persona aqui?

Feliz navidad!


Is anyone here?

Happy Christmas! smiley - santa


Post 156


I'm still about smiley - smiley Still very elementary learning, but thanks to those who have taught this dunderhead a little - Gracias.smiley - ok



Post 157

Skankyrich [?]

There's a pretty good site on the BBC that I'm going to investigate further:


I really would like to learn more.


Post 158


you wanna learn Spanish?
This is a good site:
[Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]


Post 159


Gracias Richsmiley - smiley I have added to my favouritessmiley - magic


Post 160

Skankyrich [?]

De nada!

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