A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - SPANISH Department

pata chula / a poor leg

Post 101

Rudest Elf

Fito y Fitipaldis - La casa por el tejado (to put the cart before the horse): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZHs4C0gyYE

smiley - reindeer

pata chula / a poor leg

Post 102


No se que decir.
A mi no me interesa mucho el decorating interior.
Me interesa sOlo el judo y conversaciones sobre los origines de la humanidad.

I dunno what to say.
I'm not interested in IKEA etc...

pata chula / a poor leg

Post 103


Hola reno, quE tal?
Yo sigo en casa con mi pata estirada sobre un cojIn una semanita mAs.

---Hi,smiley - reindeer, how are you going?
I'm still at home with my leg stretched over a cushion for a week more.

Si no fuera por internet, los libros y mi paciencia, aunque la pierdo a veces, no sE cOmo estarIa ahora.
---But for internet, books and my patience, although I sometimes lose it, I don't know how I would be by now.

Lo cierto es que tengo ganas de empezar a trabajar otra vez, ver a mis compañeros... no tanto a los niñossmiley - biggrin, en fin, volver a la normalidad.
---Truth is that I want to start to work again, to see my workmates... not so much the kidssmiley - biggrin, well, to come back to normal life.

QuE tal el Puente?, anda, cuEntame algo alegre
---what about the holiday?, c'mon, tell me something cheerfulsmiley - cheerup


pata chula / a poor leg

Post 104

Rudest Elf

¡Hola, Mar!

Siento que todavia estes 'fuera de servicio' smiley - smiley . ¿Vas a ver algun fisioterapeuta?

Hi, Mar! I'm sorry to hear that you are still laid up. Will you be seeing a physiotherapist?

Egual que a ti, a nosotros tambien nos gustaria volver a la normalidad cuanto antes.

Like you, we'd love to return to normality as soon as possible.

Todavia, ni siquiera tenemos lavabo............ al menos al fin tenemos el inodoro.

We still don't even have a sink............ but at least AT LAST we have a loo.

The flow of plumbers, builders, electricians, carpenters etc has slowed; we seem to be winning the battle against all but the finest grades of dust; and we are now able to sleep here - so you could say that we're managing (vamos tirando).

I don't remember much about the 'puente' - apart from Sole's mum's cooking ('comida de cuchara' - meals you can eat with a spoon). [It's odd that Spaniards refer to a long weekend as a puente (bridge), even when no bridging is required.]

I read somewhere that you intend to find a permanent teaching job. Does that mean you'll be taking the dreaded.... oposiciones exam? Incidentally, I had google automatically translate a web page about oposiciones: the heading 'Oposiciones Profesores Education Secundaria' became "Teachers Opposed to Secondary Education" smiley - bigeyes

Get well soon.

smiley - reindeer

pata chula / a poor leg

Post 105


Hi Reno, or

Elf? Ruddy?

Estoy buscando un fisio para lo de la pierna. Me estoy preocupando ya, el mEdico deberIa haberme mandado a un especialista. Hoy mis compañeros del colegio, los profesores de EducaciOn FIsica me darAn algUn telEfono.
---I'm looking for a physio for the leg. I'm getting worried, the doctor should have sent/appointed (?) me to a specialist. My workmates, the PE teachers, will give me a telephone number today,I hope.

EstA bien eso de profesores Opuestos a las oposiciones. smiley - biggrin
Me quiero presentar pero no a las de secundaria, a pesar de tener el temario y la titulaciOn, sino a las de Primaria.
---It's good that of teachers opposed to Oposiciones. I want to take not the secondary exam, despite I have the books to study and the degree, but the Primary one.
. En la Comunidad de Madrid hay mAs oferta para profesores de Primaria, 800 plazas frente a 50 en la convocatoria del 2007, mAs o menos.
---In the Regional Assambley of Madrid(?) there is a bigger offer for Primary teachers, about 800 vs 50 in the last offer of 2007

. Donde vivo, hay muy pocos institutos, asI que, en el caso de conseguir una plaza, fija o interina -esta Ultima lo mAs probable ya que no tengo mucho tiempo para estudiar-,me mandarIan a "algUn lugar mAs allA del arcoiris" lo cual significa: mucho tiempo en el coche o en el transporte pUblico para llegar a un lejano instituto donde hay una clase heterogEnea llena de estudiantes que en la Ultima cosa que estAn pensando es en atender al profesor
. Where I live, there are vey few state high schools, so, in the chance of getting a vacancy, stable or interim, the latter probably, as I have not much time to study, I would be sent "somewhere over the rainbow" which means: a lot of time in the car or public transport to get to a far away high school where there are a heterogeneous crowded class of teenagers who the last thing they are thinking about is to pay attention to the teacher.

. Mis razones se resumen en que no me gusta complicarme la vida. No me importa ganar menos dinero si el trabajo te deja tiempo libre y unas cuantas neuronas frescas para poder disfrutarlo.
---My reasons can be summarized in that I don't like to mess my life(?) I don't care if I earn less money if the work leave you free time and a few fresh neurons to be able to enjoy it.

AsI que voy a sacarme el tItulo de Magisterio, empiezo en octubre.
---So, I'm going to get the Primary Teacher Degree, I start in October.

---Esperanza Aguirre wants everything private and considering her political and economical views, I hope she won't achieve it, but considering how weak is the opposition here... and how classist is many people in Madrid...I'm afraid she will stay for a while


Post 106


This song is loved by everybody in Spain. The Catalonian Juan Manuel Serrat is the composer and singer of Mediterraneo(1974).
Last year, it was voted as the favourite song of Spaniards.
THe lyrikc is really good, as most of his songs. The music... well the rhythm is superb, you never get fed up with listening to it over and over again.

some pictures of the video...smiley - run a bit cheesy or sugary... but in any case, sit down and enjoy.


---A todo el mundo le encanta esta canciOn en España. El catalAn Juan Manuel Serrat is el compositor y cantante de Mediterraneo. El año pasado, fue votada como la canciOn preferida de los españoles. La letra es muy buena, como la mayorIa de sus canciones. La mUsica... bueno, el ritmo es genial, nunca te hartas de escucharla una y otra vez.

Algunas fotos del video... smiley - run un poco horteras o empalgosas... pero in cualquier caso, siEntate y disfruta.

Marsmiley - smiley


Post 107




Post 108


Mar, tengo una pregunta para usted.
Como se dice "candongas" en ingles?


Post 109


candongas? I don't know that word

tell something else

-- no conozco esa palabra, di algo mAs


Post 110


I have a question for you -
how do you say 'candongas' in English?


Post 111


es que, sabes el site http://sharedtalk.com ?


Post 112


you know the sharedtalk.com website?


Post 113


No, no lo conocIa, pero parece interesante.
---I didnt know it, by it seems interesting

but , still, what is that word? I think it doesnt exist in Spanish


Post 114


PuEs una argentina allI en ese site me preguntO cOmo se dice en inglEs, y cuando mirE en mi diccionario vI escrito allI "testIculos".
Le lo dije (se lo dije?), y ella se ofendiO mucho.smiley - sadface

Luego otra persona me dijo que el diccionario se equivoca, y que significa algUn tipo de aretes.

An Argentinian chicky wanted to know.
I looked it up in my dictionary, but she didn't like the answer!


Post 115

Rudest Elf

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2z6CCqi1Mo&NR=1 ... smiley - tongueout

smiley - reindeer


Post 116


smiley - smiley

No echo de menos el trabajo, pero sI el relacionarme con la gente.
Los chicos me echan de menos, segUn me cuenta una compañera. Eso me gusta.
--- I dont miss my work but to be with people. Kids miss me, a workmate told me. I like that.

Now, it's raining. It smooths my mind. I feel relaxed listening to the rain drops on the window next to the sofa
where I am spending most of this "compulsory holidays"


Post 117


El día en imágenes
Fotos del mundo en las últimas 24 horas.


Post 118


HolA a todos! Llego finalmente al hilo que estaba buscando! Me parece que es mAs fAcil de escribir en espaNol (dOnde se encuentra el tilde, Mar, por favor?) si ne se sabe hacerlo en francEs!! Estuve ayer en un grupo que debIa de hablar bien francEs pero........

Hello, everybody! I finally got to the thread I've been looking for! I think it's easier to write in Spanish if you can't do it in French - and where's the tilde, Mar, please? Yesterday I was in a group where we were supposed to be able to speak French well, but......smiley - flustered



Post 119


Vengan, todos!
DOnde estAis?
Estoy esperAndoos, porque quisiera hablaros....

I hope that means
'Come on, you lot. Where are you? I'm waiting for you because I'd like to talk to you.'
But I'm not too happy about the 'os' on the end of 'esperando'. I obviously need help, so where is it?




Post 120


Hola Serafina!

No pensaba escribir nada, ni siquiera "espiar" por h2, pero tenía que mandar unos correos y no he podido evitar caer en la tentación de venir aquí. Hoy he ido al médico otra vez. Me duele la pierna , me he tomado un calmante y estoy un poco atontada.

--- I didn't want to write anything, not even "lurk" around h2, but I had to send some mails and I haven´t been able to avoid falling in the temptation of coming here.
Today I've visited the doctor again. My legs is in pain, I've taken a relaxing drug and I feel a bit clumsy.

That's mean that today, I'm not going to be much here. But I wanted to make you know that as soon as I am fresh like a smiley - rose , I will be here again.
We share the love for gardening and for phitotherapy?
I think Feisor should come here too.smiley - biggrin

- esperándoos, is ok.
YOu can say: Estoy esperándoos or Os estoy esperando---Im waiting for you.
At the beginning of this thread( I think) there are some useful instructions about some keys that you don´t have in your keyboard.

Venerable Señora, tengo que retirarme ahora. Estoy cansada. Nos vemos pronto
---Venerable Lady, I have to leave now. I'm tired.
We see soon

Marsmiley - smiley

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