A Conversation for The H2G2 Metal Appreciators' Society

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Post 41


Hey, any of you few out there seen Motohead live??? They're playing locally next month and I thought I might wander along......while I still can!!!!

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Post 42

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

No, don't really listen to them...

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Post 43


Neither do I, but its one of those things - see Motorhead before Lemmy retires(!)

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Post 44

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Of course, "locally" is a relative term...I don't know where you live, and chances are I don't live anywhere near you.

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Post 45

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

NAME: Ralph the Wonder llama
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: Nightwish, Iced Earth, Hammerfall

Three bands that kick @$$:Iron Maiden, Manowar, Nightwish
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?
Nope, nope and nope.

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Post 46


I'm going to see Motorhead in two weeks! (Uk leg of the tour, suported by Sepultura)!!! smiley - biggrin

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Post 47

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Hello Ralph and André...nice to see that the society really isn't dead for sure.

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Post 48


Trying to lay my hands on tickets for Motorhead in Bristol......think I've left it a bit late!smiley - sadface

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Post 49


Name: Daze55
Researcher#: 1078454
Good Bands: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Savatage,
Instruments Played: Guitar, Bass, Keyboard, Drums, Lead and Backing vocals
Was in a band eleven years ago, I'm semi-retired now. I still like to talk shop now and then.smiley - cool

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Post 50

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

D'you know, I tried something like this society last year. It died a quick death, though.

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Post 51

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Addendum to my last post: A2016497

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Post 52

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Hello Daze55! smiley - biggrin

And Ralph, you wrote "No, no and no." when I only asked you 2 questions...hmmm... Oh well. smiley - smiley

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Post 53

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

*frowns, looks at his fingers, silently moves his lips, looks at the posts*

smiley - ermI'll take your word for it.

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Post 54


Guys - have you heard the news about Dimebag Darell? What a totally crappy thing to happen.http://www.damageplan.com/

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Post 55

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Yeah, I read about it in the conversation here. I never really heard him play, but it's still a terrible loss. smiley - sadface

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Post 56

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Never heard of him or the band, but whoever did it should burn in hell.

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Post 57

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

It was in the local section of our newspaper! Seeing as how it took place in Columbus, about 1.5 hours from here. Ohio should be ashamed of itself. And nevermind, I did hear him play before. On a CD. Don't remember it though.

We need a news thread or something.

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Post 58

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Check out http://www.blabbermouth.net

They've hardly posted anything else for days. Suddenly, everybody's going on about how great an influence he was for them.

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Post 59


NAME: (what you want to be referred to as)hollypuppy
RESEARCHER NUMBER: (just because I'm lazy)221475
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: (this is optional)Not sure... maybe concert reviews?

Three bands that...are good:Queensryche, Dokken, Dio, Axe,kiss I could go on and on...
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?:Keyboards, guitar. And no I'm not in a band.

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Post 60

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Hello Hollypuppy!


Some good bands.

smiley - biggrin

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