A Conversation for The H2G2 Metal Appreciators' Society

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Post 81

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Brauch keine Frau, nur Vaseline, und eine Krafstof wie Benzin!

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Post 82

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie besprechen. Auch spreche ich Deutsch nicht.

I think.

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Post 83

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Neither do I smiley - rofl

...but I can quote Rammmstein lyrics...

smiley - dragon

*rapidly flies back to work...*

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Post 84

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I actually speak a bit of German...

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Post 85

Chronomanicmechanic - Going crazy fixing things....

NAME: chronomanicmechanic
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: (this is optional)

Three bands that...are good:Motorhead (GODS), Disturbed, Slayer
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?:No I'm a part time roadie for a band called LIFE DENIED(that was a totally shameless plug for the band
smiley - biggrin)

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Post 86

Chronomanicmechanic - Going crazy fixing things....

that number should read 2141562 but I can't typesmiley - sadface

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Post 87

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Ah, one of those days? I'm having one, if my head wasn't firmly attached I'd have left it somewhere.

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Post 88

Chronomanicmechanic - Going crazy fixing things....

smiley - smileyThat's why I keep my brain in a sealed jar in a safety deposit boxsmiley - smiley

smiley - erm Wish I could remember which bank it was with thoughsmiley - wah

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Post 89

Turn Loose The Swans

NAME: Turn Loose The Swans
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: *taps nose* You shall see...you shall see.
Three bands that...are good: Opeth, My Dying Bride and The Ocean. (Damn, it's hard to pick just three)
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?: I play drums. I was in a band but quit just this month. I will no doubt have a new band in the future.

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Post 90


NAME: Natholie The Holy Nat
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: (this is optional)

Three bands that...are good:Metallica, Opeth, Swallow The Sun
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?:Drums and Guitar

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Post 91


Ha ha, my brothers just above me on this thread. And I forgot, I'm not in a band.lol.

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Post 92


RESEARCHER NUMBER: (just because I'm lazy)
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: (this is optional)

fear factory

smiley - kiss

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Post 93


NAME: scarlett in black

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Post 94


NAME: tzjin_anthony_ks
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: smiley - erm probably something on .. er... funky sounds you can get from an electric guitar? (like squeal, dive-bomb)

Three bands that...are good: Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC DC, Sabbath (yes, I named four. So what?)
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?:Yes, guitar, and no.

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Post 95

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

NAME: Persephone
ENTRIES YOU'D LIKE TO WRITE: None, i'm too lazy
Three bands that...are good: ACDC, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult
Do you play any instruments, and if so, are you in a band?: no and no

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