A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener

Alternatives to Peat

Post 1


If you don't want to use peat because of the enviromental damage caused in it's extraction there are alternatives (if you're gardenning organically then you shouldn't really be using peat).
There are alternatives to peat pellets for sowing seed in. One is to use compressed coir pellets which come in a variety of sizes (for plugs, for pots, larger bricks for tubs). Coir is a renewable resource being made from coconut fibres after the coconut is processed. To make these up, follow the instructions given about the peat pellets. Another is to use finely sieved leafmould to start seeds in.

Alternatives to Peat

Post 2


Phil, I have never seen the coconut fiber products for sale. Do you have a link? I've heard of coconut fiber mulch but have never seen it for sale, either.

As I'm sure you have gathered, I am not a strict organic gardener. smiley - erm

Alternatives to Peat

Post 3


We all do as much as we can Hypatia smiley - hug
The coir stuff I've seen for sale in garden centres here in the UK and one of the largest DIY chains normally carrys a range of organic composts including a coir based one.
A link to look at would be http://www.organiccatalog.com , a UK based company who work with the HDRA (Henry Doubleday Research Association) to supply organic stuff (see also http://www.hdra.org.uk). The coir products are listed under soil & plant care, growing media.

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