A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
The Little Tomato Plant That Could
quizzical Started conversation Apr 22, 2004
Another enjoyable article - that fruit salad sounds yummy! (writes down ingredients on shopping list...)
My tomato plant (a seedling that I found growing under the petunias last autumn and brought indoors for the winter) is now 8 feet tall (and twining about the tomato cage) and produced its first two blossoms last weekend. I feel like a proud parent. I can't wait to see what kind of tomatoes result.
The Little Tomato Plant That Could
Hypatia Posted Apr 22, 2004
Congratulations! I know what you mean. Plants can become like family members, especially house plants. I'm embarrassed to say that I name mine sometimes and talk to them.
Sometimes you can narrow down the variety of a volunteer plant, but with tomatoes it would be pretty difficult. We know it is an indeterminate variety since it has gotten so tall. There are also different shaped leaves. Some are more potato shaped. If you have those, chances are you have an heirloom variety instead of a hybrid. The size of the tomatoes will be a tip off. Most tomatoes weigh in at under 12 ounces and are usually no larger than 5 inches in diameter. If yours is larger, then it will be one the large slicers. The color can also help you determine the variety. So check to see if it is pink or red.
Ah. I love a good mystery.
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The Little Tomato Plant That Could
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