A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
Hurray for Hypatia!
Hypatia Posted Apr 23, 2004
Ah, shucks!
Speaking of shucks.....I have corn up in tiny little pots. I'll try to get it into the garden Sunday or Monday, but we have had lots of rain and more is forecasted, (90% chance today and 80% chance tomorrow) so my garden will probably be too muddy to work in.
I had planned to put in raised beds this spring, but my cousin - who was going to do all the grunt work on them - wasn't able to 'fit it in'. I'm still annoyed about it. I'll try to get them in this fall. Probably a better time for it anyway. Let them age over the winter.
And of course my husband has opposed the plan from the get go. Thinks it's a foolish waste of money and won't look as nice. He's right about the second. Regular garden beds are more attractive. And you can rearrange them any time you want. Decisions, decisions.
Hurray for Hypatia!
frenchbean Posted Apr 26, 2004
I quite like the formality of raised beds If you can make a design out of them - like a physic garden or a small potager - they can look very classical. And they really pay off as far as produce is concerned. Lovely depths of good soil and muck
I'm too far north for corn outside We grew them in Cooktown and saw the whole crop get eaten by corn beetles the first year
Then in year 2 we rigged up cotton lines from the nearest green ant nest and they predated on the corn beetles and we had fabulous corn
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Hurray for Hypatia!
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