A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eleven - "Euro 2004"

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 41


I was going to start this post with some witty comment that football is a game of two halves, and then the Germans win. Well of course that got knocked into a cocked hat by van Nistelrooy's strike. So instead we'll have for Holland and England...

smiley - musicalnoteFrings, can only get better... smiley - musicalnote

There was a big range of points this week. All the way from double figures right down to nothing at all. Many of the points came about as a result of full houses and the 1-1 draw between Holland and Germany. And sod all out of Portugal and Denmark - with the exception of our wanderer (and weekly winner) Demon Drawer.


The Results:

Portugal 1-2 Greece (KARAGOUNIS, Basinas, Ronaldo)

Switzerland 0-0 Croatia (--)

England 1-2 France (LAMPARD, Zidane)

Denmark 0-0 Italy (--)

Germany 1-1 Holland (FRINGS, van Nistelrooy)


The Points:

Demon Drawer - 11 points (England result & score; Denmark full house smiley - bubbly ; Germany result & score)

summerbayexile - 10 points (Switzerland full house smiley - bubbly ; England result; Germany result & score)

Owlatron - 9 points (Switzerland full house smiley - bubbly ; Germany result, score & scorer)

Bottletop - 8 points (Portugal scorer; England result & score; Germany result, score & scorer)

GreyDesk - 7 points (Switzerland full house smiley - bubbly ; Germany result)

Ormondroyd - 6 points (England result & score; Germany result & score)

me[Andy]g - 5 points (Switzerland result; England scorer & 1st scorer; Germany scorer)

spook - 5 points (Switzerland full house smiley - bubbly )

sprout - 5 points (Switzerland result; Germany result & score)

WILD BIRIYANI - 5 points (Switzerland result; Germany result & score)

Master B - 4 points (England result; Germany result)

McKay The Disorganised - 3 points (Germany result & score)

Number Six - 3 points (Switzerland result; Germany scorer)

riotact - 3 points (England result & scorer)

Egon - 2 points (England result)

Otto Fisch - 1 points (Germany scorer)

Psycorp603 - smiley - burger all

Alfredo Marquez - MIA


So congratulations DD, after a break of a couple of years you're back and at the top of the table smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

Quick reminder - predictions for the second lot of group matches need to be in by 7:45pm on Wednesday, and that's less than 24 hours away!

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 42

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

do i understand that a correct 0-0 prediction gives you the points for scorer & first scorer?

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 43


Yes we do. There have been a number of long and involved debates about the points scoring systems in this competition as it has matured. One of the longest was what to do with a nil-nil.

My feeling about it is that by predicting a nil-nil you chose no scorer, who then duly goes and doesn't score. Therefore you get both points smiley - smiley

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 44

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

yes, but nobody scored for BOTH sides. so how do you determine which nobody scored first?

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 45


I have my sources smiley - whistle

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 46

McKay The Disorganised

Worcestershire, Tabasco, Daddies, Mint - its an impressive collection.

smiley - cider

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 47


You missed out Henderson's Relish. That one's the daddy of all sources smiley - drool

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 48

Demon Drawer

I'm running around trying my best to get Euro 2004 stopped now!!!!

smiley - run

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 49

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

just ask sapp blather; it's the kind of idea that's right up his...


Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 50


GD,,,& Hendersons relish is ONLY available in SHeffield,,,do u still get supplied ?? smiley - smiley

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 51


I get to about half a dozen games at BDTBL each season, so I pop into the Safeways just round the corner from the ground if supplies back home are running low smiley - smiley

Fantasy Football - Group Games - ROUND 1 - Results

Post 52


the actual place where they produce it is up near the origional university...its only a pokey place !!

I enjoy hendersons on a stew & also a plate of chips smiley - winkeye

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