A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eleven - "Euro 2004"

Fantasy Football - Quarter Finals - ROUND 2

Post 21


well i missed this rounds picks. guess that's what happens when your team gets knocked out.


Fantasy Football - Quarter Finals - ROUND 2 - Results

Post 22


Now that's much better smiley - smiley

Loads more points were won this time around (except for me of course smiley - erm). Three got both results right, and Egon's excellent full house makes him this round's winner. Well done sir smiley - applausesmiley - smiley


The Results:

Sweden 0-0 Holland (--)

Czech Republic 3-0 Denmark (KOLLER, Baros)


The Points:

Egon - 5 points (Czech Republic full house smiley - bubbly )

Bottletop - 4 points (Sweden result; Czech Republic result)

Master B - 4 points (Sweden result; Czech Republic result)

Number Six - 4 points (Sweden result; Czech Republic result)

Owlatron - 4 points (Czech Republic result, score & scorer)

Alfredo Marquez - 3 points (Czech Republic result & scorer)

me[Andy]g - 3 points (Czech Republic result & scorer)

sprout - 3 points (Sweden result; Czech Republic scorer)

WILD BIRIYANI - 3 points (Czech Republic result & scorer)

Demon Drawer - 2 points (Czech Republic result)

McKay The Disorganised - 2 points (Czech Republic result)

Ormondroyd - 2 points (Czech Republic result)

Otto Fisch - 2 points (Czech Republic scorer & 1st scorer)

Psycorp603 - 2 points (Czech Republic result)

riotact - 2 points (Czech Republic result)

GreyDesk - 1 points (Czech Republic scorer)

summerbayexile - 0 points

spook - MIA

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Fantasy Football - Quarter Finals - ROUND 2

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