Created | Updated Oct 2, 2007
You enter the lobby of the enormous Writers Library, a vast repository of knowledge containing links to resources on h2g2 and elsewhere that help with writing for the Guide. A great ape greets you and gestures toward the suggestion box. If you have a suggestion for a writing-related link, please post it here Suggested Links for the Writers Library... ook!
Just off the lobby, you find The Writers Lounge where you can hang out, ask questions of your fellow Researchers, make small talk about what you're working on, show off what you've done so far, or ask for suggestions.1 Intrigued by snippets of intelligent, helpful conversation escaping from the Writers Lounge, you step closer to see Researchers working independently and in small groups in a friendly, casual atmosphere toward a common goal - contributing to the Guide. Here you can work on your entry while helping other Researchers work on theirs... or you can just goof off amongst your peers.
As you enter the main library, the Librarian swings among the shelves several feet above your head as he returns books and scrolls to their places.
References on Getting Ideas
H2G2 Speaker's Corner Opinion entriesFlea Market Rescue an abandoned entry from oblivion.
Random Logline Generator! Trigger an idea with this fun generator.
Overcoming Writer's Block
H2G2 Writing Workshops
Edited Guide Writing WorkshopAlternative Writing Workshop
Writing Workshops A list of researcher guide entries on writing
Style & Usage Manuals
Learning to Write on h2g2 Links for ResearchersWriting for the Edited Guide Elements of a well-written Edited Guide entry
Edited Guide Style English usage for the Edited Guide
Alternative Writing Guidelines UnGuide Guidelines for Alternative Guide Entries
The Alternative - Alternative Writing Guidelines Three Easy Alternative Writing Guidelines
Strunk's Elements of Style Rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated
Eats, Shoots and Leaves - Lynn Truss - online punctuation pdf, educational companion to the book.
On-line Dictionaries, Thesauri, Style Guides, etc - Bels' amazing entry
Spell Checking & Grammar Checking
Spell Checker (manned) for the human touch in spell and punctuation checking

One Look Dictionary Search engine that accesses many important dictionaries... helpful in spelling.
h2g2 Picture Library Artwork for GuideML pagesCommunity Art More artwork for GuideML pages
The h2g2 Photographers & Their Photographs
More Help Links
Named Entries A list of names instead of numbers for frequently accessed help pagesGuideML-Clinic The how-to for GuideML, the pliable format for entries
Ook! Periodicals
Read all about it in The Post
Browse through your fellow Researchers favorite reading material and media inspiration. The Librarian can list your private collection too. Once you enter the Private Collections Room, just post your stuff in the Private Collections Portal thread.
Writing-Collaborative - defunct... okay got an idea... make something like it in here.... So, essentially it would be a thread here for researchers who have a bare-bones idea to offer it for other researchers to collaborate in building the idea... deciding on content etc... even helping writing it ultimately... if they so wish.