A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

The Tavern

Post 481

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.


smiley - cheers

The Tavern

Post 482


~~Thank you Shaylar. Thank gods for little to no family resemblance. I have a few... items of business I need to attend to. Don't let him wake Wolf up if he's sleeping.~~

*Leaves, but not for the Healing Hall.

The Tavern

Post 483

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Tavern

Post 484

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*Polonius fiddles with a napkin*

The Tavern

Post 485

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ok or you can mail me if you want, addy on my PS

The Tavern

Post 486

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*A young man in his early twenties walks in and after glancing around the tavern finds an unoccupied table in one of the corners. once seated he beckons to one of the waitresses*

[Rose] Hello sir and what will you be having?

[Avatar] Ale and keep it coming.

[Rose] Right away sir.

*Rose brings him a mug of ale and leaves. As Avatar sips his ale he once again questions the decisions that have led him here and tries to decide what he should do next*

The Tavern

Post 487

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*Polonious leaves for the Guild Healing Hall*

The Tavern

Post 488

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

*Faller walks through the door and lies down in the corner, keeping his eyes on Avatar*

The Tavern

Post 489

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Avatar sees Faller enter the tavern and is mildly curious but upon noticing the lack of reaction from the other patrons, goes back to nursing his ale, every now and then glancing back at Faller*

The Tavern

Post 490

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Avatar goes and pays for his drinks and walks out the door of the tavern, nodding to Faller on his way out*

The Tavern

Post 491

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

*Faller, a wolf, gets up and walks out of the tavern*

The Tavern

Post 492

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Patricia walks in and sits, Rose comes over*

[Rose] What can I get you Mistress

[Patricia] Some wine young woman please

*Rose comes back with a bottle of wine and a glass*

[Rose] Are you visiting someone here Ma'am I haven't seen you before

[Patricia] No my dear I am............reliving old memories

*Rose leaves with a really creepy feeling, she keeps looking over her shoulder at Patricia*

The Tavern

Post 493

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

<smiley - winkeye talking to ourselves, are we?>

The Tavern

Post 494

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

<smiley - weird doing battle with myself is going to be fun>

The Tavern

Post 495

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

The Tavern

Post 496

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - rofl

The Tavern

Post 497

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*Sharmin looks up from his ale, noticing Patricia walk in to the bar he watches as sits and orders her wine*

That woman, she was the one in Oane, the one who wouldn't tell me about Syian </>

*sharmin rises awkwardly, keeping in character with his disguise he hobbles painfully over to Patricia's table and without asking takes a seat next to Patricia*

[Old Man] Good Morning young lady... May I buy you a drink..?

*patricia feels cold steel press against her ribs , the dagger hidden from view by the table, Sharmin leans in and whispers in Patricia's ear*

Hello again my lady. smiley - evilgrin I hope this time you will be more forth coming with the answers I need.

*Sharmin presses the dagger harder against Patricia, not hard enougth to pierce the skin but hard enougth to emphasise his point*

Tell me what you know of Syian?

The Tavern

Post 498

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I know nothing you impurdent wretch, I will give you one chance to leave with your life, I am the daughter of Baron DuBois /the/ most powerful Necromancer in these part, /I/ am more powerful, now leave while you still can

The Tavern

Post 499

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*Patricia feels the dagger move slightly as Sharmins hand flinches, he strengthens his resolve and pushes harder*

Look all I want to know is where Syain is. I don't need any trouble, God knows I have enough in this city all ready, If you truly do know nothing then I will be on my way.

*Sharmin stands to leave just as two guards burst in through the door*

[Guard] We have reports that Lord Sharmin has been spotted in this area.

*Sharmin sits back down at the table, huddled in his dark cloak, he looks to Patricia pleadingly*

I am not here.

The Tavern

Post 500

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Patricia] I know of no Lord Sharmin

*Rose shakes her head*

*the guards leave*

[Patricia] Know this Lord Sharmin, you owe me your life, leave me be or I will show you Hell, I do not know of your Lady Syian

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