Talking Point: Speaking your mind

8 Conversations

Boris Johnson MP.

Boris Johnson has never been afraid of plain-speaking – even if his fellow MPs might wish for a bit of discretion.

Labour MP Chris Bryant, who went to Oxford with Boris, said:

He really doesn't seem to have changed much since university. I always thought his buffoonery was an act but maybe he can't actually help it.

Whether he's discussing Cherie Blair, Portsmouth, the people of Liverpool, or drugs, he's not one to hold back from saying what he thinks.

  • Do you have a friend who isn't afraid to say what they think – no matter what the consequences?
  • Is honest speaking always a good thing?
  • Do you think the world would be a better place if everybody said what was really in their minds?
  • Would the world be a more straightforward place if we didn't lie?
  • Or are there times when a little white lie is acceptable?
  • Is it sometimes better to keep your own counsel?
  • Have you ever said something at an inappropriate time and place?
  • What was the reaction after you'd spoken?

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