A Conversation for Talking Point: Speaking your mind

Honesty and the curse of Jade Goody

Post 1


For me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being honest. It's all about how you present that hnonesty that really rattles me.

Jade Goody is a classic case. She is one of the rudest people I have seen on British Television, yet she has the audacity to disguise that rudeness as working class honesty.

I hail from a working class family from the same area of London as Jade Goody (my lot ran a dockers cafe in the Bermondsey docks) and had I ever spoken as to anyone in her way I'd be at the bottom of the Thames in a lovely pair of bespoke concrete wellies.

So honesty is good thing. Rudeness packaged as working class honesty is disrepectful to a whole strata of society.

Honesty and the curse of Jade Goody

Post 2

prof gawid

jade goody lol its a joke of tv how she got talent il never know not just her theres a load of them ,you could pick someone out the street and put them on tv cos thats all jade done

Honesty and the curse of Jade Goody

Post 3


jade comes a cross thick but there
must be someone behind her helping
he to make her money.
if you ask me she gives bermondsey
a bad name. i come from there and we are not all
like her.

Honesty and the curse of Jade Goody

Post 4

prof gawid

one other thing is when we are on about air head wanna be stars is the pictures that are took of them jordan they work wonders on her as she has poor skin.

Honesty and the curse of Jade Goody

Post 5

prof gawid

helping jade yes theres someone helping her the ones who by her perfumes etc .

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