A Conversation for Talking Point: Speaking your mind

Honesty is the best policy

Post 1


Do you have a friend who isn't afraid to say what they think – no matter what the consequences? - No. But I would say that a few people would consider me that friend!!

Is honest speaking always a good thing? I think so. No one ever need fear that I am talking about them behind their back. I will not do that. If I can’t say it to your face, I will not say it. I am never rude to people for the sake of it, but honesty does not necessarily mean you are hurtful.

Do you think the world would be a better place if everybody said what was really in their minds? There would be fewer pretences and facades and more people being forthright. Got to be a good thing.
Would the world be a more straightforward place if we didn't lie? Yes. Although probably anarchic because there would be no politicians would there!

Or are there times when a little white lie is acceptable? I feel white lies are not acceptable. I hate to have them told to me, and I try not to tell them to others. But there are ways and means of telling people things which may be hurtful to them.

Is it sometimes better to keep your own counsel? Of course it is. However I would not have had as many interesting life lessons as I have had if I kept my own counsel all the time!

Have you ever said something at an inappropriate time and place? Oh Heavens yes! Too numerous to mention!!

What was the reaction after you'd spoken? Usually I am more embarrassed than the other party and we have a laugh about it. Maybe not at the time, but perhaps later on!

Honesty is the best policy?

Post 2


We would all like to think that total honesty is the best policy, but sometimes telling an angry person what they want to hear will allow you to persuade them to listen to the truth at a later time.
Genuine honesty is a great thing, but often "telling it like it is" is simply an excuse for insulting people and for creating an unnecessary atmosphere to achieve an aim the parties involved don't want and would like to avoid.
There is a solution of course, which is diplomacy. A diplomat doesn't tell lies unless it is absolutely necessary. The truth will come out, usually gradually or at a time when it no longer matters and won't cause hurt or anger.
Life is full of occasions where honesty just will not be believed, as Boris Johnson found out when he offered a view that Liverpudlians see themselves as victims. The truth or falsehood of the statement became irrelevant-all that mattered to Liverpudlians was their belief that Boris Johnson was wrong. He might argue that a change in the Scouse view of life is necessary, but that is no longer the discussion. Sadly, honesty isn't always the best policy!

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Honesty is the best policy

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