A Conversation for Talking Point: Speaking your mind

Why be Rude?

Post 1


I've always believed in saying what I think in plain simple language but never to be deliberately rude or offensive. I don't have time for people who lie or practice to deceive, whats the point? I'd rather be man enough to apologise for an error or mistake rather than live a lie.
I certainly try not to criticise without being able to offer positive alternatives.

I don't like the use of phrases like, "economical with the truth", what they mean is someone has lied, full stop. By the same token one shouldn't make any sort of allegation without having the necessary back up evidence to support it. Thats one of the reasons I for one sometimes get an adverse reaction from certain people. Its usually because I am always able to back up and support anything controversial I say and that comes as a shock to some people.

Honesty and being open and as polite as possible costs nothing, being rude and belligerent cost you friends. Lying will always catch you out in the long term so why bother? Having the ability to admit to being wrong and apologising should be easy to do yet its amazing the number of people who will never admit to being wrong regardless of the evidence against them.

Its said the word "sorry" is the hardest word to say and mean. Never understood why.

I was told recently by friends and a therapist that I'm a WYSIWYG - (colloquially whizzywig), 'what you see is what you get'. No airs and graces, no pretence. Made me smile somewhat, been called a lot of things in my time, err, some polite others not! At least folk know where I stand.

smiley - cat

Why be Rude?

Post 2


Although I agree that honesty is important, I think that sometimes you have to take circumstances into account.

If by giving myself the right to speak my mind, I will upset or humiliate and embarrass another, what have I actually achieved?

I think that in some situations it's better to keep ones mouth shut. I also think that a little white lie now and then can be more of a blessing than a sin.

If I am asked for an opinion I will always give an honest one - taking into account to whom I am giving it, and couching it in terms to cause least offence.

Of course, there will always be people who will be upset by an opinion that differs from there own - but then maybe they shouldn't have asked!

Why be Rude?

Post 3


Sometimes one has to decide between a polite or an honest answer. While I prefer honesty in moste cases, sometimes it just can't be done.

Why be Rude?

Post 4


Sometimes,in the quest to be honest and open, one causes pain and upset to others. Isn't it therefore better to hold a little in reserve until you are fully aware of the circumstances?

I worked with a very forthright, likeable, open character many years ago, who always had a quip or lead in when meeting people. He once remarked to a fellow employee, that he was acting like he'd lost a quid but only found a tanner and he looked like his grandmother had just died.

Unfortunately she had, but he insisted no harm was meant and he was only being honest.

Discretion being the better part of valour!

Why be Rude?

Post 5


I also think that being honest should never be an excuse for being rude.

One thing is, that sometimes it is better not to say anything (strictly speaking that might not be honest - I think it depends on the situation).

And even if you want to be honest and straightforward all the time, you might as well put things in nice words and not just plain rude sentences.

I often found that people who claim to be straightforward and always honest just don't want to be polite and take it as an excuse for disbehaviour (but of course they complain about others who are the same way).

Tell the truth in a polite way - that would be allright

And to try not to harm others can't be bad either


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