A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Begin with the food

Post 1

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

Well, it looks as if we'll need some party food.

Hmmm.... what do I have in my recipe books....let's see....

*as Mad Hatter reads the items appear on a lavish table*

jelly in tall glasses, made with fruit and layers of different colours to resemble traffic lights
chocolate cakes
lemon cakes
ginger cakes
chocolate crispy cakes
fairy cakes
chocolate sponge pudding
whisky cake
mince pies (normal mincemeat, cranberry and apple, peach and apricot, guess the fruit and citrus flavours)
h2g2 cake (slices for every taste)
mint cake
plum cobbler
chocolate and lemon pinwheel biscuits
ginger nuts
spiced biscuits
ice cream
lemon sorbet in brancy baskets in a cherry sauce

and savouries:

sausage rolls
chocolate bread
spicy rolls
cocktail sausages
sandwiches of variety enough to suit anyone
marinaded chicken legs in various flavours (BBQ, char siu, korma, bhuna, tikka...)
peking duck (cause I like it)
vegetarian "sausage" rolls
mini savoury pies
scotch eggs
ciabatta rolls
pasta salad
green leaf salad
rice salad
pitta breads
greek dips
not greek dips
salad dressings
cheese board and crackers
crisps of many varieties
selection of cold meats


of course, anyone else can add anything they want to eat to the table
and hopefully there is enough variety for carnivores through to vegans alike

Begin with the food

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I've died and gone to food heaven! smiley - smiley Shall I nip round to the Forum & Firkin and arrange some drinkies?

Begin with the food

Post 3

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

oh yes please, I can't really do that bit, as I don't drink enough to know what is generally liked.
I'd suggest some mulled wine and some egg nog, people seem to like those and they are traditional
oh, make sure you sort out some soft drinks for those who are driving or flying or who just don't like/want alcohol
I like cola and lemonade and dandelion&burdock and cream soda and ginger ale and then some exotic fruit juices would be fun too.
whatever you think, right?

Begin with the food

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I thought I'd have a word with Menza@@e and see what he can come up with - I'll probably be back with his entire stock!

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Post 5

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

okay, great. are you tall? can you help with the ceiling decorations please?

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Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I've just struggled into the other forum with a Christmas tree, I'll be with you once I get my breath back!

Begin with the food

Post 7

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

no,no stay there. that's the decorating thread

Begin with the food

Post 8


Excuse me while I eat all the MINCE PIES!!!!!!!!

Begin with the food

Post 9

Fate Amenable To Change

Share the mince pies Bluebottle.. Now.. I bought some Sherry. anyone got some glasses?

Begin with the food

Post 10

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*drags in cutlery, plates and glasses*
here you are smiley - winkeye
could we prepare a "feuerzangenbowle" too?
*pours red wine and orange juice in large copper pot to heat, adds spices and goes to fetche the sugar cones and rum smiley - winkeye*

Begin with the food

Post 11


*wheels in a trolley with assorted boxes on top*

Did someone mention that they wanted to have some drinks? smiley - smiley

Begin with the food

Post 12


Hope someone remembers the milk!!!

Begin with the food

Post 13

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

don't worry about ALL the mince pies being eaten - it is a self-replenishing table (a combination of h2g2 friendliness magic and christmas cheer magic and the fact that Greebo is a familiar of a Lancre witch with a big family does the trick)

Begin with the food

Post 14


Good ole Nanny will never let you down... ~grin~

Begin with the food

Post 15

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

Good ole Nanny's family are too in.... "love" her too much ... to let her down...

Begin with the food

Post 16


That, and they might loose their legs if they don't. smiley - winkeye

(I'm refering to the DW character, not you Greebo)

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Post 17


Oh Me understands... ~grin~

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Post 18


I didn't want to offend. smiley - smiley

Begin with the food

Post 19


No worries... me doesn't offend easily... ~grin~... ~pushing crimbo hat over to a jauntier angle~... Now what else is there to do?

Begin with the food

Post 20


I brought some mince pies with me but I see you've already got some, oh well. any one want cream?

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