A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Begin with the food

Post 41


Me wants the doughnut with the tinsel wrapped around... ~grin~

Begin with the food

Post 42


But you can't eat the tinsel. smiley - smiley

Begin with the food

Post 43

Aeli's mistress

butthe tinsel makes it all shiny and pretty.

Merry Christmas everyone.

its my birthday!

Post 44

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

now it is crimbo it is also me b-day! me is so happy!
me boyf gots me a light sabre......me is proud...
~eats all available sausage rolls~

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 45


Happy birthday... ~grin~... hey everyone... stay on until the new year and get a wossname absolutely free... ~bigger grin~

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 46


The depends if the wossname is a doughnut or a furball. smiley - winkeye

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 47


~big grin~... why ruin the surprise...

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 48

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

oooooo me like surprizes........if they are good an nice......
me is kinda tired but today does not really feel like a day.... holidays never do........

we have no sausage rolls ~greive with me~

so its news years day........me no really interested......
me gots more pressing matters......
like why is there no twiglets?

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 49


Possibly cos I may have eaten them. smiley - winkeye

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 50

Fate Amenable To Change

No sausage rolls? That's outrageous! i demand to see the caterer to complain bitterly.
In the mean time.. pass the Pringles.

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 51


My pleasure, I hate pringles.

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 52


~grin~... How can anyone hate pringles... once you pop... you can't stop!!!

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 53

Ossario T'an

Happy New Year, Greebo T. Cat and all the very best for 2000 !!! Here, I have brought you a very special gift...

Snaps fingers and magically bestows Greebo with a brand new set of 9 lives to protect her for the years to come!

"I trust you will spend those wisely and not squander them frivorously..."

Hmmm... This is quite a party and presence you have made here... congratulations! smiley - smiley

I have brought some food from my part of the world to add to your menu here.

• A large pavlova smothered with thick vanila flavoured whipped cream, and decorated with slices of kiwifruit, strawberries and peaches.

• Some baskets of Bluff oysters, Otago queen scallops, Kaikoura crayfish, and Marlborough Sounds green-lipped mussels.

• Some baskets of chicken pieces, pork chops, pumpkin pieces, kumaras, and potatoes, from the hangi I raised just before I arrived here.

Enjoy everybody !!! smiley - smiley

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 54


Wow... thankyou... that pavlova will be absolutely scrummy in my tummy ~grin~

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 55

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

biscuits an cheese.......now that is food for my millenium......
me is hungry.......
but too lazy to move.......
me is wondering how many doughnuts the cat has scoffed all last year....
probably thousands.......

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 56

Fate Amenable To Change

ooh the sea food platter sounds delish.. pass that to me please.

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 57


*starts to pass sea food plater over*

On the condition that we can share it. smiley - smiley

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 58

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

cheese is running low........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 59

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Say cheese! *huge toothy grin*

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 60


~Greebo drags in a huge cheese board~... ~cheesy grin~... Did someone mention cheese????

~peering around~... Where have all the doughnuts got too?

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