A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Begin with the food

Post 21

Fate Amenable To Change


Now! Menz@@rse my good Drinks Supplier.. Where have you put the Cherry Brandy?

Begin with the food

Post 22

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

i bought some doughnuts an bannana milkshake along to another bit of this conversation but not this one but one somewhere on here.......oh dear.......
can i help? not that i want my name in orange lights or anything......
pippa would like to help too and she has bought more doughnuts and some roast parsnips.......i have some barbie crimbo crackers also.

yummy says pippa rubbing her tummy and her nose.....for no apparent reason..........
i will jus sit an sniff.........*sniff sniff* i have a cold.....*sniff*

Begin with the food

Post 23


*passes the Cherry Brandy to Fate*

Here Pippa, have a Limsip. smiley - smiley

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Post 24


This is really getting going now... ~grin~... what a great crimbo party this is going to be... anyone got any doughnuts in here... me getting hungry... ~hopeful grin~

Begin with the food

Post 25

Fate Amenable To Change

Ah.. Greebs... Here Kitty Kitty
Bit of Christmas Spirit for you...
Pass the sausage rolls!

Begin with the food

Post 26


Me is a polite cat... ~grin~.. me always drinks from a glass... with a straw of course... my tongue is not that long to reach the bottom of the glass... ~grin~

Begin with the food

Post 27

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

i, monika, will sit an cradle my bottle of benolin cough mixture in the hope my cold will bugger off....
*puts more doughnuts on the table*

Begin with the food

Post 28


~Greebo jumps onto fairy's lap...~... Me so sooooooorry about you cold...

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Post 29

Aeli's mistress

(pops her head around the corner. Aeli pattering behind)

Hiya! smiley - smiley
Think we should get some kababs?

mmm, doughnuts!!! Yummy. smiley - smiley
honey's supposed to be great for a cough, Fairy. Do you have a cough? I could get some honey while I'm out getting the kababs.

Begin with the food

Post 30


Yes, honey, sage and milk are good for a cough - and taste quite nice, too.
Excuse me while I eat ALL the mince-pies AGAIN. It's quite a challenge when they keep re-appearing - keep me amused for hours!

Begin with the food

Post 31


The doughnuts are mine... ~grin~

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Post 32

Fate Amenable To Change

And the although I wil shar ethe sausage rolls the Pickled oninons Are MINE hah hah hah!!

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Post 33

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

fairy coughs
me jus got back from getting more doughnuts...
me cannot see a cat go hungry
me cold is thinking bout goin but will not let me sleep....ggggrrrrrrrrrr smiley - sadface
one of me olde skool friendals called today *happy grin*
me starting to feel a bit better.
party and peeps are very great.
~sneekily steals a hand full of sausage rolls~

Begin with the food

Post 34


So long as no-one steels the booze, I'll be happy. smiley - winkeye

Begin with the food

Post 35


Nor the milk... ~grin~... couldn't cope with milk snatchers...

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Post 36

Aeli's mistress

no, no, milk snatchers are Bad, Bad, Bad!!
plates of kebabs and hummus on the table.
and sneakily drains a glass of pink milk.

Merry holidays. *grin*
smiley - smiley

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Post 37


~grin~... ho..ho...ho...hope you all have a wonderful crimbo... thanks for helping prepare for this wonderful party... now get in there and enjoy... ~BSK~

Begin with the food

Post 38


Its 20 past midnight. So I'll get a head start on the mince pies. smiley - smiley

Begin with the food

Post 39

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Fruitcake! smiley - smiley

Begin with the food

Post 40


Are you insinuating something? smiley - winkeye

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