A Conversation for English Chartered Markets: 3 The Southern Midlands East Anglia And Wales

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 61


Ah but they are edited, however do you think they need to mirror this one, and the ones that are to followsmiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 62


Well I'm not sure what the procedure is pn tightening up edited guide entries. I know there's at least one of mine that I want to change a little since I wrote it, so if you look back at your old entries and feel they could be improved, then I'm pretty sure you can do that. I'll happily contribute if you want any suggestions. How are we doing with this entry anyway?

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 63


What's happening with this entry? Is there more work to be done on it or is it ready for picking as far as you're concerned Bob?

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 64


Hi Ben thanks for the interest.
Well it seems to have stagnated in review I am just waiting for some further ideas (if any). I am fairly happy with it as it is it is just waiting for the next stage, if others think it ready.smiley - smiley

I will then finish the others in the same set useing this format. smiley - cheers

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 65


Anyone else got any thoughts here?

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 66


Hi any more ideas please this has been in PR just over a year. What else is needed.smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 67


Can I suggest that an option for you at this point bob, purely in the interests of getting it some fresh attention, is to remove it from peer review and relaunch it from scratch.

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 68


Might be an ideasmiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 69

Phoenician Trader

Apart from some proofing errors that the sub should be able to fix in a single pass, it was one of the best entries of its type I have read for a while.

It made me want to visit these places which is a great measure for a guide entry.

smiley - lighthouse

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 70


I agree, it's just a question of getting a scout to pick this one up. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot more to sift through for them than there was a few months ago.

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 71


Thanks for that smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 72


Might be an idea to add some links Bob, especially the ones you WANT in. smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 73


I will see whats about smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 74


All done link wise thanks smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 75


Any more to do on this one smiley - smiley

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 76


The country at this time was entering a period of growth, as an indication of this a knight paid 8 pence a day by Henry II (1154 - 1198), was paid 24 pence (2 shillings) by King John (1109 - 1216).

Bob is that date right for King John, im not sure he was 107 when he died thanks Bobsmiley - cheers

A22909917 - English Chartered Markets: 3 The South Midlands East Anglia And Wales

Post 77


Sorted thank you smiley - cheers

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Post 78

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 79


smiley - bubbly

smiley - panda

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 80


Hi Cyzaki

Thank you smiley - cheers

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