A Conversation for Lobby of the Evil Armory of the Evil Army of H2G2


Post 1

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

don't forget to make this into a lobby for the Armory...


Post 2

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
UPDATE the armory...
...did I mention that you should UPDATE the armory...


Post 3

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
You UPDATED the armory...
...did I mention that you UPDATED the armory...
anywho...in celebration...
smiley - musicalnote
It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness, takes control
But listen closely
Not for very much longer
I've got to, keep control
Ima believer, doin' the Time Warp
Dreaming of moments when
The blackness hit me
And the voice would be calling
smiley - musicalnote

...what do you think anyone could possibly understand the words the shreek to a VERY catchy tune afterwards...


Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

... smiley - erm right. so... uh... stop nagging me about it.

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