First Solo Entries
Created | Updated May 3, 2007

First Solo-Written Edited Entry Roll of Honour
to them all
2nd April, 2007 - 27th April, 2007
biolordnightowl with their entry A Brief History Of The English Prison Systemtry - Very interesting Entry where, among other facts, you'll find out why we call prison wardens 'screws'...
Plebis -Thingite Arch Recruiting Sergeant with their entry The Rules of Monopoly - A board game created during the Great Depression that let common people feel like entrepreneurs...
R_O_Shipman with their entry New and Improved - The Great Advertising Fallacy - Is advertising just a big con?
Vauxhaul Astra with their entry Life in the Trenches of World War One - An Entry about soldiers in the First World War...
GrandStrange with their entry Laval, Quebec, Canada - It's a Canadian town - and a palindrome...

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Running the gauntlet of Peer Review, that's how some Researchers see it. However, it's not that bad if you follow the Writing Guidelines and read the information on the Peer Review page. Also, try not to take constructive criticism personally and remember that all suggestions from reviewers are well-intentioned with the design of helping you achieve your aim of getting your entry into the Edited Guide.
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With thanks to the The Front Page Archive for some of the quotes on this page.