Talking Point: The Working Week

14 Conversations

Traditionally, the working week was shaped around a Holy Day that ensured everyone got a day off. As field hours became office hours, we got an extra day off, making the working week five days. Nowadays though, we can shop 'til you drop 24/7 thanks to the internet, and the secularisation of society has made the idea of Sunday as a 'Holy Day' almost an excuse to sit in front of the TV and watch football and soaps.

So why do we stick to a weekly structure that was created for the 19th Century rather than the 21st?

  • What improvements could we make to the way we work to make things better for everyone?

  • With mass unemployment still a real issue, do we really need everyone working at the same time?

  • Is the 'Metric Week' even possible?

  • Shape your own working week and have your say.

Graphic supplied by Community Artist DoctorMO.

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